Agenda Stories making the news this month 8 Government garbage U-turn in Lebanon 8 Torture tactics in Tibet 9 Afghan women’s rights on bikes 9 Introducing Andrew Holness 9 Kenya’s stateless Shona 10 Surfer girls defy convention in Bangladesh 10 Britain stands with Bahraini oppressors 11 Semantically engineered crops 11 Banished Petroleum PLUS: Scratchy Lines by cartoonist Simon Kneebone and

Reasons to be Cheerful.

The Big Story – Technology justice l e y e / R e u t e r s i n i n t u n d e A k k

12 Technology as if people mattered The world's poor are still losing out. They need a better deal,

argues Dinyar Godrej. 17 Mind the technology gap – THE FACTS 18 ‘Because the river told me’ Peasant farmers resisting the violence of agribusiness.

By Nils McCune. 21 Male baldness v malaria?

Simon Trace on the skewed priorities of medical research. 22 Switched on

Technology that works. 24 The energy fix What will it take to get electricity to Africa’s rural poor?

Ruth Nyambura explores. 26 The Disrupted Jim Thomas on the winners and losers of emerging technologies.

Front cover: Andrew McConnell/Panos Magazine designed by Andrew Kokotka, Ian Nixon. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.

Contents Contents

Features 34 The duty to care for our common home Femke Wijdekop makes the case for Ecocide to become a crime under international law. 42 Military fatigues and floral scarves Rahila Gupta meets women fighters in Rojava who are leading the charge towards a radical democracy.

Opinion 30 Argument: Should Britain leave the European Union? Kelvin Hopkins and Caroline Lucas go head to head. PLUS: Open Window, with guest cartoonist Nayer Talal

Nayer from Ethiopia. 33 Mark Engler

One gas leak too many: can we end fracking now? 37 Chris Coltrane Regulation Top Trumps. PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon.

Mixed media 38 Music reviews The Woman at the End of the World by Elza Soares;

Highlife-Jazz and Afro-Soul by Fela Ransome Kuti and his Koola Lobitos. 39 Film reviews Suburra, directed by Stefano Sollima; Heaven Knows

What, directed by Ben and Joshua Safdie; Mustang, directed by Deniz Gamze Ergüven. 40 Book reviews Memories from Moscow to the Black Sea by Teffi; Saving the Media by Julia Cagé; Crossing the Sea with Syrians on the exodus to Europe by Wolfgang Bauer; Counter Narratives by John Keene. PLUS: Also out there.

Regulars 6 Letters Democracy under attack; why the West rejects refugees; and fair tax on the Isle of Man. 7 Letter from Bangui The importance of communication should not be underestimated, writes Ruby Diamonde. 28 Country Profile: Nigeria 44 Southern Exposure Poverty and war have hit Filipinos hard, as Jes Aznar shows through his photography. 45 Puzzle Page PLUS: Marc Roberts’

Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally Feminist pioneer Gloria

Steinem talks to Graeme Green about travel, change and the road ahead.

I m a g e s i g /A P/ PA

e t h We n

Coming soon: Sierra Leone, after Ebola

New Internationalist ● MAY 2016 ● 5