ANTHONY BARNETT works for Charter 88

PETER BERGER is professor o f sociology at Boston University. This essay first appeared in the National Interest

JOHN CARR is a management consultant

JEREMY CLARKE is a freelance writer

BARRY COX is director o f the ITV association and a former director o f LWT

RONALD DORE is senior research fellow at the Centre for Economic Performance at the LSE

ANTHONY DWORKIN is a senior producer for BBC Radio 4’s Analysis

BILL EMMOTT is editor o f The Economist

CHARLES GOODHART is Norman Sosnow professor o f banking and finance at the LSE

AC GRAYLING is lecturer in philosophy at Birkbeck College, London and senior research fellow at St Anne’s College, Oxford

SUSAN GREENBERG is former editor o f World Link

CHARLES HAMPDEN-TURNER teaches at T h e Judge Institute o f Management Studies, Cambridge. His forthcom ingoook is Mastering the Infinite Game (Capstone)

ROBERT HAUPT died in September 1996. This piece first appeared in the Australian Financial Review. His book on Russia, A Country Built on Sand, is due to come out this year

KATHRYN HUGHES is writing a biography o f George E liot

DANIEL JOHNSON is assistant editor o f The Times. He is currently writing The Intellectual History o f Germany

DOUGLAS JOHNSON is professor emeritus o f French H istory at London University

STEVE JONES is professor o f genetics at University College London

DICK LEONARD is a former adviser to Tony Crosland

JOHN MADDOX is former editor o f Nature

DAVID MANASIAN writes for The Economist

VALERIE MONCHI is deputy editor o f Prospect

RICHARD PIPES is professor emeritus o f history at Harvard. He is completing a book on property and freedom

FREDERIC RAPHAEL is a novelist

MARTIN ROSENBAUM is author o f From Soapbox to Soundbite: Party Political Campaigning in Britain since 1945 (Macmillan)

PAUL SAMPSON is a reporter on Neste Compass

CHARLES SAUMAREZ SMITH is director o f the National Portrait Gallery

GERALD SEGAL is senior fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies

CHRISTOPHER TOOKEY is a film critic

PETER WAYNE is serving 13 years for robbery at Channings Wood

COLIN WELCH who died in January was deputy editor o f the Daily Telegraph

2 PROSPECT March 1997

Prosped: Issue seventeen March 1997

Wooden writing. Page 8

OPINIONS 8 THIS INSIPID DOLL COLIN WELCH on why the witless Noddy books will never be real children's classics.

10 ONE GOVERNMENT, ONE MONEY CHARLES GOODHART says national bond markets could be the victims of a single currency.

16 DEBATE: ASIA’S INFINITE GAME CHARLES HAMPDEN-TURNER AND GERALD SEGAL Are there immutable Asian values or will Pacific rim countries grow more like the west?

ESSAYS 21 TWO TIERS FOR TV BARRY COX Can multi-channel pay television coexist with the best o f public service broadcasting? Maybe, if politicians can get it right.

Emu’s weakness. Page 10

12 TRIVIALISATION WORKS MARTIN ROSENBAUM Only the simplest message can get through to an ignorant electorate.

14 BASIC INSTINCT RICHARD PIPES Why the Harvard University lib rary has no en try for "human nature.”

Religous resurgence. Page 32

Checking state power. Page 26

26 RIGHTS FOR THE RIGHT BILL EMMOTT AND DAVID MANASIAN on why constitutional reform and a bill of rights should be natural causes for the right, not the left.

My first word. Page 14

32 AGAINST THE CURRENT PETER BERGER The idea that modernity leads to the decline o f religion is only applicable in Europe. The world is as furiously religious as it ever was.