JOHN ARMSTRONG is the director of the Aesthetics Programme at the School of Advanced Study, University of London

ANTHONY BOURDAIN is a chef and author. His latest book is Kitchen Confidential (Bloomsbury)

MARK COUSINS is the director and presenter of BBC2’s Scene by Scene and Moviedrome

ALEKSA DJILAS is a political commentator living in Belgrade

DUNCAN FALLOWELL is writing his third novel, A History of Facelifting

JAMES FERGUSSON is a former foreign correspondent

NOREENA HERTZ is the author of The Silent Takeover (Heinemann)

CAR HILLS is a writer living in London

CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS is the author of The Trial o f Henry Kissinger (Verso)

ERIK IZRAELEWICZ is the editor in chief of Les Echos in Paris

JOHN JACKSON is the director of the Burma Campaign UK

CHARLES JENCKS is an architect, author and critic. His book Le Corbusier (Monacelli) was published last year

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER is a columnist for the Washington Post

MIKE MARQUSEE’s book, Redemption Song, is published by Verso


FERDINAND MOUNT is editor of the Times Literary Supplement

CHARLES SHAAR MURRAY'S last book, Boogie Man, was published by Penguin

RUTH PADEL's fifth collection of poems, Voodoo Shop, and a selection of her columns, The Sunday Poem, will both be published by Chatto &Windus in 2002

ALEX RENTON works for Oxfam in south-east Asia

MATTRIDLEY's most recent book is Genome (Fourth Estate)

DAVIDRIEFF is a senior fellow at the World Policy Institute at the New School, New York

KAMILA SHAMSIE is the author of Salt and Saffron (Bloomsbury)

ADAMSWIFT teaches sociology and politics at Oxford University

LAURIE TAYLOR is a former professor of sociology at York University

JULIE WOLF writes on international economics and trade

2 PROSPECT August/September 2001

contentsIssuesixty-sixAugust/September 2001

OPINIONS 10 Beauty &the beast JOHN JACKSON Western attacks on Aung San Suu Kyi, like last month's in Prospect, merely serve to assist the military regime.

11 Poor old Slobo ALEKSA DJILAS The extradition of Milosevic to the Hague was not only unconstitutional, it will make him amartyr to the Serbs.

12 Decrying Wolf NOREENA HERTZ The anti-globalist writer replies to Martin Wolf's criticism of her work.

13 Payback time CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER Reparations for slavery could cut the Gordian knot of US race relations.

14 Press mess ALEX RENTON The Press Complaints Commission justly punished me. Which is odd— British newspaper regulation is a farce.

DEBATE 16 Pinochet, Milosevic... Henry Kissinger? DAVID RIEFF VS CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS Are evil deeds committed by people in power best understood as criminal acts to be tried by courts of law?

Flight of the British intellectual

ESSAYS 28 Dogmas of decline FERDINAND MOUNT Jeremiads of Britain’s decline come from both the left and the right these days. But the picture painted of the country is unrecognisable.

34 End of the trek CHARLES SHAAR MURRAY & MIKE MARQUSEE The latest Star Trek series marks a retreat from the final frontier— and from the beliefs of American liberalism which the original series stood for.

ESSAY Political philosophy meets politics

WITNESS 46 Asylum fixers JAMES FERGUSSON 1wanted to help Wahidallah come to Britain. Western journalists, after all, had messed him up in Afghanistan. But how would he adapt to a new life?

What has aphilosophergot to dowithapolitician? Onecan’t doand theother can’t think.

Timeforathird way.


HISSTORY 52 The last tiger RUTH PADEL Tiger life is long quiet followed by furious action. Hunt for hunt, they are the least successful of all cats. How long can India's tiger survive?