BRYAN APPLEYARD writes for the Sunday Times

HOWARD BRENTON is aplaywright and author, most recently, of Hot Irons (Methuen)

RUPERT CHRISTIANSEN is anopera critic of the Daily Telegraph

JEREMY CLARKE is afreelance writer

JUDITH FLANDERS is working on a biography of theMacdonald sisters

KIM GORDON is aChina communications specialist at the University of Westminster who spent part of his childhood inChina during the Cultural Revolution

BEA GREEN is amagistrate who lives in London and France

ISA GUTPREIS is the pen nameof a NewYork-basedcorporatefinancier

RICHARD HOGGART is the author of The Usesof Literacy (1957) and former Warden of Goldsmiths’College

NANCY HYNES is afreelance writer

TONY JACKSON is management editor of the Financial Times

KATE KELLAWAY writes for the Observer

RICHARD LAYARD is director of the Centre for Economic Performance at the LSE

PANKAJ MISHRA is awriter based in Simla andNewDelhi

MADSEN PIRIE is president of the Adam Smith Institute


MORDECAI RICHLER is the author, most recently, of Barney’s Version (Chatto & Windus)

MATT RIDLEY is ascience writer

JOHN RITCH is USambassador to the United Nations Organisation in Vienna, which includes the International Atomic EnergyAgency


EDWARD SMITH plays cricket for Kent

WILLIAM WALLACE is aReader in international relations at the LSE.

NICOLAS WALTER is acontributor to George OrwellatHome:Essaysand Photographs (Freedom Press)

PETER WAYNE is near the end of his sentence at alocation that must remain secret

JAN ZIELONKA is professor of political science at the European University Institute in Florence

2 PROSPECT March 1999


Issue thirty-nine March 1999

OPINIONS 10 Cutting a deal ISA GUTPREIS Investment bankers are just glorified estate agents.

12 Sticking up for trickle-down TONY JACKSON Trickle-down may not lead to equality, but it is a step in the right direction.

14 Getting depression JUDITH FLANDERS Depression is an illness with no cure or explanation.

WITNESS Edward Smith on cricket among the gangstas o f Los Angeles

DEBATE 16 Debate: Arrogant science? MATT RIDLEY AND BRYAN APPLEYARD Should we embrace the benefits of the new science of genetics or will it deprive us of our humanity?

ESSAY W illiam W allace and Jan Z ielonka on American contempt for Europe

Can sport still have a moral purpose? In a crime-ridden ghetto of Los Angeles, a Victorian form of cricket is turning potential gangstas into gentlemen. PAGE 42

ESSAYS 26 The show trial FREDERIC RAPHAEL Why is David Cesarani so eager to heap odium on Arthur Koestler? Can biographers not have motives? Should they not, too, be deconstructed?

35 Culture comes home NANCY HYNES What is the purpose of anthropology now that everybody talks about culture? Can it mediate clashes between civilisations?

Eurobashing is back in fashion in the US. America is torn between wanting Europe to share a larger burden of global leadership, and fear of a new global rival.
