CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE ROSALINDARDENis writing a book on human intelligence (Weidenfeld and Nicolson) STEPHENBROWNis publisher of Prospect and awriter KINGSLEYBROWNEis professor of law at Wayne State University in Detroit JEREMYCLARKEis a freelance writer MALCOLMCRAWFORDis a former writer for TheEconomist and The Times ROYDENMANis former EU ambassador to the US DAVIDGOODHARTis editor of Prospect SUSANGREENBERGis a freelance writer DAVIDHOWELLis a member of the House of Lords PHILIPPAINGRAMis a writer PICOIYERis the author of Cubaandthe Night OLIVIAJUDSON is leaving TheEconomist to study population genetics and evolutionary theory KATEKELLAWAYwrites for the Observer LUCYKELLAWAYwrites for the Financial Times AHMADSAMIHKHALIDI is a Palestinian writer living in London ANATOLLIEVENis editor of Strategic Comments at the IISS. The opinions expressed in this article are his own EDWARDPEARCEis a columnist on the Scotsman and author of TheLost Leaders (Little, Brown) JOHN PLENDERwrites for the Financial Times FREDERICRAPHAELis a novelist CONRADRUSSELLis professor of British history at King’s College, London JEAN SEATONis author of Politics and theMedia:HarlotsandPrerogativesat the Turn of theMillennium (Blackwell) TERRYTEACHOUTis a US writer ROBERTTYRRELLis chairman of the Paris-based RISC Futures NICOLASWALTERis a contributor to GeorgeOrwellatHome:Essaysand Photographs (Freedom Press) PETERWAYNEis serving a 27-month sentence at Blakenhurst prison MARTINWOLFis associate editor and chief leader writer on the Financial Times TONYWRIGHTis Labour MP for Cannock Chase HUGOYOUNGis a columnist on the Guardian

2 PROSPECT October 1998


Issue thirty-four October 1998

OPINIONS 10 Defining the project TONYWRIGHT Blairism is still a practice looking for a theory.

Business, whatbusiness?Page 11 1 1 We can’t do business LUCYKELLAWAY Why is business missing from British fiction?

12 Rosie future? JEAN SEATON Lord Hollick and Rosie Boycott have a problem at the Express: my dad.

14 Don’t blame Asian values DAVIDHOWELL The Asian crisis has been wrongly diagnosed.

16 Debate: Sex at work KINGSLEYBROWNEAND ROSALINDARDEN Can evolution explain the scarcity of top female executives? ESSAYS 22 History is not bunk ANATOLLIEVEN There is nothing new in Russia’s flawed transition to a free-market economy. It echoes liberal capitalism’s many failures across the rest of the globe.

28 A terrible frivolity HUGOYOUNG For half a century Britain has had a political class incapable of making up its mind about Europe.

32 After Oslo AHMADSAMIHKHALIDI The PLO may have to give up its supreme national goal of statehood. A binational state is the only solution to the middle east conflict.

36 Who’s afraid of Tony? CONRADRUSSELL Labour is mishandling the decentralisation of Britain. But can the opposition make it pay the price?

BRITISH POLITICS SPECIAL Prospect’s poll on populism PAGE50

Hugo Young—Britain’s European failure PAGE28

Conrad Russell—can Blair be beaten? PAGE36

Tony Wright on Third Ways PAGE10

Malcolm Crawford—the best advice on pensions PAGE56