DANIEL COHN-BENDIT has been a German MEP in the Green Group since 1994
JAY BERNSTEIN is professor of philosophy at the University of Essex. His most recent book is Recovering Ethical Life
FAITH BROOKE is a freelance writer
JOHN CARR is a management consultant
LESLEY CHAMBERLAIN is the author of Volga Volga, now out in paperback
JEREMY CLARKE is now a rich writer
ANDREW GAMBLE is at the Political Economy Research Centre in Sheffield
CARLO G^BLER is a Northern Irish writer living in Enniskillen
DAVID GORDON is a former chief executive of The Economist and until recently chief executive at ITN
ANTHONY GOTTLIEB is on the staff of The Economist. He is writing a history of western philosophy for Penguin
SARAH HELM is Brussels correspondent for the Independent
WILL HUTTON is economics editor of the Guardian and author of the best-selling The State IVe're In
GARRISON KEILLOR is the author of Cat, You Better ComeHome. His story, The PoetryJudge, first appeared in Atlantic Monthly
JOHN LLOYD is writing a book on Russia at St Antony’s College, Oxford
PHILIP MacCANN is the author of The Miracle Shed, now out in paper back
MICHAEL MACLAY was until last year an adviser to Douglas Hurd in the Foreign Office. He is now a special adviser to Carl Bildt
JOHN MADDOX has just retired as editor of Nature magazine
ANNE McELVOY is deputy editor of the Spectator
EDWARD MORTIMER is foreign affairs editor of the Financial Times
FERDINAND MOUNT is editor of the Times Literary Supplement
DAVID OWEN is deputy features editor of the Financial Times
EDWARD PEARCE is working on a forthcoming book, Winning Near the Goal
TREVOR PHILLIPS is a broadcaster and journalist
JOHN PODHORETZ is deputy editor of the Washington-based The Weekly Standard
RACHEL POLONSKY is a research fellow at Emmanuel College, Cambridge
ROBERT PUTNAM is director of the Center for International Affairs at Harvard University
NICHOLAS ROTHWELL is a senior writer on the Australian newspaper
CHRISTOPHER TOOKEY is film critic for the Daily Mail
PEREGRINE WORSTHORNE is a columnist on the Sunday Telegraph
P ro sp e d :
Issue six March 1996
OPENINGS 4 LETTERS Matt Ridley on complexity. 6 CURIOSITIES 8 THE BLACK DIAMOND LESLEY CHAMBERLAIN visits the truffler's home ground in Provence and meets a man who talks about sex when asked about poetry.
Pig out. Page 8
10 GENE TRADE JOHN MADDOX Columbus could not have patented America, but what about genes? 12 THE END OF THE CEASEFIRE CARLO G&BLER discovers why he couldn’t get his Daily Telegraph one Saturday morning. 14 SAVING ENGLISH CRICKET DAVID OWEN enjoys watching cricket on the cheap and finds that English county cricket is the last refuge of Soviet economics.
Diet of Worms. Page 10
Soviet cricket. Page 14
16 DEBATE: ENGLAND’S ON THE ANVIL PEREGRINE WORSTHORNE INVITES TREVOR PHILLIPS to the almost all-white Beefsteak club to discuss Englishness, multi-culturalism and Europe.
ESSAYS 20 THE WOMAN FROM MARS SARAH HELM Euro-myths can occasionally be true, said the man from the commission, but what about chocolate—or is it vegolate?
Banana split. Page 20 27 PHILOSOPHY AMONG THE RUINS JAY BERNSTEIN says that philosophers have marginalised themselves by abandoning the big questions. Nowadays there are professors of philosophy, but no philosophers. 31 FROM MAJOR TO MAURRAS FERDINAND MOUNT predicts that the Tory right will take over the party just when it has completely run out of ideas—the left did the same in the Labour party in the late 1970s.
2 PROSPECT March 1996