GRAHAM ALLISON is the director of the Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University
PAUL BARKER is the former editor of New Society
IAN BLACK was Jerusalem correspondent of the Guardian
JOHN CARR is amanagement consultant
LESLEY CHAMBERLAIN is the author of Volga, Volga, now out in paperback
JEREMY CLARKE is a mature student. He is currently writing his autobiography
MARCELLE D’ARGY SMITH is a freelance writer, journalist and broadcaster
VICTOR DE LA SERNA is deputy editor of the Spanish newspaper El Mundo
REGIS DEBRAY is author of a forthcoming book on the psychology of power
RICHARD FALKENRATH is executive director of the Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University
RICHARD FREEMAN is professor of economics at Harvard University
IAN GILMOUR was aCabinet member in the Heath and Thatcher governments
DAVID HANNAY is a former British ambassador to the EU and the UN
PAUL HIRST is co-author of Globalisation in Question, to bepublished in February
MARK IRVING is ajournalist and abroadcaster
MARC JORDAN is apublisher of art books j PETER KELLNER writes for the Sunday Times
KIT McMAHON is a former deputy governor of the Bank of England
JOHN McVICAR is awriter living in London
JOHN MADDOX has just retired as editor of Nature magazine
ALLAN MASSIE is an author and journalist. His most recent novel is King David
EDWARD PEARCE is working on a forthcoming book Winning Near the Goal
RACHEL POLONSKY is a research fellow at Emmanuel College, Cambridge
MICHAEL PYE is the author of The Drowning Room, a novel set in New Amsterdam
ROBERT REICH is US Secretary of Labour
MARTIN ROSENBAUM is a freelance journalist
IAN STEWART is the author of popular science books
DEYAN SUDJIC is the director of the 1999 Glasgow Festival of Architecture and Design
CHRISTOPHER TOOKEY is film critic for the Daily Mail
ADAM ZEMAN is a neurologist at Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge
2 PROSPECT February 1996
Prosped: OPENINGS 4 LETTERS Frederic Raphael on Ernest Gellner. 7 CURIOSITIES 8 ALPHA AND OMEGA JOHN MADDOX on how the Universe may be younger than some of its parts.
Seeing stars. Page 8
10 EVAPORATING WETS IAN GILMOUR says the Major government has drifted to the right of Thatcher. 12 HONI SOIT QUI MAL Y PENSE REGIS DEBRAY on Francois Mitterrand’s shameless striptease act. 15 OPERA HOUSE BLUES EDWARD PEARCE on why Virginia Bottomley is right about one thing. 16 FIG LEAF DEMOCRACY IAN BLACK on the democratic hopes for a nascent Palestinian state.
Issue five February 1996
Worse than Watergate? Page 18
18 SPANISH PRACTICES VICTOR DE LA SERNA on how the past is catching up with Felipe Gonzalez. 20 BIG, BORING, APPLE MICHAEL PYE explains why New Yorkers feel improved to death. 21 CARTESIAN ILLS ADAM ZEMAN on misplaced distinctions between the physical and the psychological.
ESSAYS 24 SWEET DREAMS JOHN McVICAR saw his mother die in terrible pain and wants the rest of us to be better prepared. He believes we should challenge the many taboos associated with morphine.
Scrap that. Page 15
Hitting back. Page 29
29 GLOBALONEY PAUL HIRST The advocates of economic globalisation dominate the airwaves. Let’s hope that they are wrong.