
Agenda Stories making the news this month 8 Upping the ante aero in South Korea 8 Finland’s animal wrongs 9 A cleaner cup of tea in India 9 Introducing Caterina Martins 9 ‘AIDs epidemic’ risk in the Philippines 10 Palestinians run for their lives 10 Georgia’s big bad hydro 11 Tar sands pipeline owners to sue US government 11 Smart Iranians dodge morality police PLUS: Scratchy Lines by cartoonist Simon Kneebone and

Reasons to be Cheerful.

The Big Story – The assault on global forests l a m y


B r a z i l P h o t o s . c o m

12 Last stand The world’s last great woodlands are fast disappearing – with untold consequences for the environment and for us. Time to stop the destruction, argues Wayne Ellwood. 16 A burning problem Nithin Coca reports from Indonesia on the expansion of oil palm plantations in the rainforests of Sumatra. 18 Forest bathing Escaping the pressures of modern life in Japan. By Tina

Burrett and Christopher Simons. 20 Certified nonsense Sustainable forestry may be an oxymoron. Chris Lang finds some holes in the system. 22 Forest facts 24 Logging louts Forest communities are under siege in Cambodia, says Fran

Lambrick. 26 Green machines Diana Beresford-Kroeger unveils the hidden biochemistry of trees.

Features 38 A rightwing spiral Dominik Sipiński reports on the rise of a nationalist Poland. 42 PISA-envy, Pearson and Starbucks-style schools Good for corporations, but what about the pupils? Adam

Unwin and John Yandell consider the impact of edubusinesses.

Mixed media 34 Film reviews Dheepan, directed by Jacques Audiard; The Measure of a

Man, directed by Stéphane Brizé; Our Little Sister, directed by Kore-eda Hirokazu. 35 Music reviews Forever Is 4 You by Malawi Mouse Boys; Wa Di Yo by

Lakou Mizik.

36 Book reviews Angry White People by Hsiao-Hung Pai; A Girl in Exile by

Ismail Kadare; The Egyptians: A Radical Story by Jack Shenker; How Did We Get Into This Mess? by George Monbiot. PLUS: Also out there…

Opinion 30 Essay: The demoralized mind by John F Schumaker. 33 Steve Parry Net gains for politicians.

PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon. 44 Mark Engler Claiming our victories.

Regulars 6 Letters Assange must answer; Australian gulag; change strategy. 7 David Ransom remembered A tribute to a much-loved colleague and friend. 28 Country Profile: Brazil 40 Worldbeaters: Hillary Rodham Clinton Hawkish Hillary is a friend of bankers and warmongers,

despite her Democratic credentials. 41 Letter from Bangui Trust between communities is being rebuilt, writes Ruby

Diamonde. 45 Puzzle Page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally Comedian Shazia Mirza reveals her inspirations, fears and political passions.

New Internationalist books

Book launch Institute of Education london: 13 april

Our latest NoNonsense shows the creative, fulfilling work in everyday classrooms that is endangered by current trends. It holds out the prospect of an education that puts students and teachers first – a source of liberation rather than control.

Short Story Day Africa is a literary initiative that exists to subvert and reclaim: reclaim space for nonconformist writing, subvert ideas about what makes a story African. The theme of Water in their latest collection is perfect for this ethos.

To see inside the books, for events and ordering go to:

Coming soon: Technology justice

Front cover: Juha Sorsa. Photo sources: DFID under a CC Licence and Chris McGrath/Getty. Magazine designed by Juha Sorsa and Andrew Kokotka. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.