RESURGENCE Journal of the Fourth World 24 Abercom Place, St. John's Wood, London, N.W.8

Vol. 3, No. 2 July/August 1970






Spell It Out Editorial

Wales Free: Leopold Kohr

The Politics of Permanence

Poem, 'The Trimmers' Diana Wynne Jones

Poem, 'Tetzim' john Sharkey



Beethoven's Unrestrained and Tina Morris Glorious Roar 19 Letters Frida Ehlers, Mehr Far-

doonji, Ansell Hart, Konstantin Huytan, Ralph lbbot, Nicholas (BIT), Peggy Smith


Scottish Independence Seumas Mac A' Ghobhainn



Indian Notebook-2 John Papworth

Poem, 'in time' Jeff Cloves


Editorial Group

Associate Editors


Managing Editor

Poetry Editors

Layout & Art

Business & Subs.


Ernest Bader Danilo Daiei Paul Goodman Ray Gosling Prof. Leopold Kohr jayaprakash Narayan Dr. E. F. Schumacher

John Papworth

Roger Franklin

Michael and Frances Horovitz

Graham Keen john Furnival

Michael North

Alec Dalton

JEFF CLOVES is a contributor to Freedom and Peace News. For last three years has run alternative voice/ poetry magazine called poetsdoos in St. Albans and read with various jazz/poetry groups.

LEOPOLD KOHR was born in 1909 in Austria and studied at the Universities of Innsbruck, Paris and Vienna. He is a prolific writer, and has lectured and broadcast extensively in North America. He is Professor of Economics at the University of Puerto Rico, and his book, The Breakdown of Nations ( 1957) was reviewed in Resurgence 1 /9 (Sept./Oct. 1967). In 1968-9 he was Visiting Professor in the Department of Extramural Studies at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, to which post he is returning later this year.

SEUMAS MAC A' GHOBHAINN born 1930 in Edinburgh. Scottish nationalist since the age of 16. Exmember of Scottish National Party. Free lance journalist writing in both Gaidhlig and English. Founder of Comunn Na Ccinain Albannaich (The Scottish Language Society) in the Autumn of 1969. Author along with Peter Berresford Ell is of the first comprehensive and in-depth history of the Scottish patriot/ radical rising of 1820 (The Scottish Insurrection of 1820, Victor Gollancz Ltd., London, 1970).

TINA MORRIS: poet/prosewriter/ musician; co-director BB Bks and Vegan Action; a Buddhist, pacifist, anarchist and Vegan.

Has appeared in many magazines and small press publications; her last <irticle for Resurgence was in Vol. 2, No. 10. The article on Beethoven is reprinted with perm1ss1on from Global Tapestry, Vol. I, No. I.

JOHN J. SHARKEY has had his poems published in Pentacle (South Street Press), and more (soon) in Mind play (Lorri mer Books Anthology of British Visual Poetry) and in Traces (South Street Press, 3 South St., Sherbourne, Dorset).

DIANA WYNNE JONES was born in London in 1934, of Welsh extraction. Lived in East Anglia, Nottingham, Oxford and America. Obtained a degree in English at Oxford. Is generally interested in the way people's fantasy-lives affect the world at large. Comic novel.Changeover, on this theme published by Macmillan, 1970. Also had plays for children produced at the Arts Theatre, London.

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COVER photo is of Professor Leopold Kohr.

RESURGENCE is published on the first day of January, March, May, July, September and November.

PRICE PER COPY-four shillings and sixpence.



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BACK NUMBERS: 10 issui:s of Volume 1 (excluding Nos. 9 and 11 )-Q.10.0. or $6.00, post free. Copies of out of print issues 9 and 11-£3 or $7.50 each. These are specially ordered photostat copies of the original. All of Volume 2, £3 or $7.50 post free. REPRINTS of articles by Dr. E. F. Schumacher, 'Buddhist Economics', and 'The Economics of Permanence' available at 4d and 6d a copy plus postage.