CONTENTSIssue 53 VOIimie 12. Number 5 October 1990

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Thomas Cole responds lo critical but unpublished comment on ids theories about the Tibetan wearing tradition: conjecture about the uses of several types oj Turkish embroidery. 113 FRAGMENTS

120th century 'Safarid'fragment, tigerish and other ephemeral activities in South Kensington. 119 FOB EM

1rchaeoiogist Dominiipie ( ollon takes up the controversial (fatal Ilinuk gauntlet with evidence relating to the site s irall-piiin tnigs. 124 CONNOISSEUR SCHOICE

Paul Hughes The iInari mantle chosen by London-based Dubliner and pre-Columbian specialist Caul Ihughes carries a dramatic and complex design of winged puma deities and snakes —almost certainly intended for a warrior priest. 120 RUCS IN HIGH PEACES

Rebecca Caldwell . 1conversation with Margaret Iutii'der—highprofile spokesperson for the I S Department of State, rugenthusiast and 1IAL1 reader. 129 FRAGMENTS OF ANANCIENT

PUZZEE: Part I James Opie In his latest contribution to research on design evolution and transformation. James Opie looks at the influence of Bronze. 1ge Indo-ldiropean '’animal-stvle 'art on Lori/Bakhtiari treariiigs. 136 TEXTILES NTHE SEI J I KS

OF ANATOLIA Marian Wenzel Newh -discovered examples of a group of lampasweave silks offer evidence of the production of luxury textiles in 13th century \natoha. 144 ZAHM UND WILD

Donald King The lively and enigmatic tapestries produced in 15th century Basel hare a robust charm and elegance which make them the most sought after of all woven objects. 154 AN EARLY ANIMAL RUG AT THE

METROPOLITAN MUSEUM One ofthe most significant rugs to enter a museum collection for years takes its first public bow.