Issue 56 Volume 13, Number 2 April 1991 N T E N T S
Editor 6c Publisher
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Wendy Kasahian
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Jennifer Gill Editorial Assistant
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Donald King, John Mills DeWitt Mallary. Yanni Petsopoulos
Robert Pinner. James Reid
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Introducing a special edition derated exclusively to a review of last November's 6th International Conference on Oriental Carpets. 77 LETTERS
Few holds are barred as readers write in to commend and complain about the ICOC. confronting such topics as the lighting at the Alexander exhibition, the centrality of the Pazyryk carpet, the illogical liming of the conference and. from a distinguished Islam ids t. a searching look at marketing, manning, and surviving in San Francisco. 85 A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE
HALI'.s editors pool their impressions oj the delights, surprises andfrustrations o f a week in San Francisco. II ined by Garry Muse, dined by Dodie Rosekrantz. blitzed by Cathy Cootner. intrigued by Chris Alexander, won over by Caroline McCoy Jones, and trampled by a thousand coffee-starved delegates. 90 OFFICIAL VOICES
Murray Eiland. Robert Pinner andjohn Sommer comment on official policy and gauge consumer reaction to the San Francisco conference with an eye to the future. 92 FIRST IMPRESSIONS
The personal contributions o f a temporary editorial team of dealers, auctioneers, scholars and enthusiasts look back at San Francisco through a variety of lenses, rangingfrom Tony Hazledine s wide-angle view of the jamboree to Philippa Scott's macro shot of a surprising kilim motif Events remembered include more meetings than meals, and an overwhelming impression of Californian friendliness and hospitality. 100 ANATOLIAN TRIUMPH
Selected personal contributions introduce the two outstanding exhibitions of early Anatolian meanings at the heart of the conference, with tributes to the individuals who made them possible. 104 THE MIGHT OF DESICN, THE
MYSTERY OF COLOUR N e i l W in t e r b o t to m Anatolian kilimsfrom the Muse-McCoy Jones collection drew 4-5,000 visitors to San Francisco's De Young Museum in ten weeks. A show of major importance by any standards, the exhibition continues to reverberate through the worlds of archaeology, carpet studies and art history.