NTENT Issue 58 Volume 13, Number 4 August 1991
Editor 6c Publisher
Alan Marcuson Deputy Editor Daniel Shaffer Senior Editors Maria Sehlatter. Jill Tilden
Assistant Editor
Jennifer Gill Editorial Co-ordinator
Judy Hirsh Tarek Chief Contributing Editor
Ian Bennett Contributing Editors Alberto Boralevi. Steven Cohen Rosemary drill. Michael Franses Donald King. De\\ itt Mallary
John Mills. Thomas Murray Yanni Petsopoulos. Robert Pinner
James W. Reid. Philippa Scott ParvizTanavoli. Neil \\interbottom
Picture L ibrarian
John Stroud
Production Manager
.Andrew Ryan Art Editor
Liz Dixon Assistant Art Editors Amanda Bakhtiar, Felicity Baricli
Art Assistant Tat Fan Liu
Sales & Marketing Director
Sebastian Ghandchi Advertisement Manager
Nicholas Fripp Advertisement Executive
Julie Wicks Advertisement Co-ordinator
Maire Costello
Subscriptions Grace Hilliar Distribution Marc Thomas
Administration Manager
Sarah Brook Publisher’s Assistant
Wendy Kasabian Systems Manager Veronica Purdey
Receptionist Zobida Khan
The German language supplement is published as an integral part of HALI.
Editor Maria Schlatter Translators Dorrit Dunn. Suzanne Mattern
The descriptions and attributions of pieces advertised in IIALI are the individual advertiser’s sole responsibility.
Render responses to recent articles and reviews. 75 FRAGMENTS
How to clean your rap;with used sauerkraut:an I pper Rhine tapestry restored; a new Chinese gallery for the IK I. and a communication from Charles Grant Kilts. 81 FORUM
The dyes used to create the intense colours of ( hinese kesi panels of the Northern Song dynasty, how rags und bones found in an ancient chest drew medievalists to Flanders.
1rchitect Ignazio Iok chooses a p a n n a k l i 'vulture' kllim fragment whose counterpart in was one of the highlights of the McCoy Jones exhibition. 86 CARPETS IN PAINTINGS
The ‘Bellini’, ‘Keyhole’ or ‘Re-entrant’ Rugs John Mills Continuing his series o f in-depth articles on early carpet types depicted in Renaissance paintings. Dr John Mills looks at painted evidence of a group of distinctive 15th and 16th century Anatolian prayer rugs in which the inner mill rub border turns in on itself, re-entering the field to form a 'keyholeThe article offers a very fu ll survey of the paintings and also includes several rugs never previously published in colour. 104 THE FABRIC OF DEITIES
ANDKINGS IJdo Hirsch The shaggy symmetrically knotted long-piled garments worn by ancient Mesopotamian kings lead the author to propose that the origins of pileweaving may be traced back two thousand years before the Pazyryk. to the third millennium BC. 112 ZAREH’SLEGACY
George Farrow The author tracks down a posthumously finished Kum Kupi rug designed by Armenian masterweaver /.arch Penyamian.
A Columbus quincentenary exhibition oflnca textiles at The Textile Museum. II ashington DC; Coptic textiles in Geneva; 'Beyond the.lava Sea' in II ashington looks at the culture ojIndonesia‘s outer island societies.