Issue 64 Volume 14, Number 4 August 1992
Publisher & Editor
Alan Marcuson Associate Publisher Sebastian Ghandchi
Deputy Editor Daniel Shaffer Senior Editors Maria Schlatter. Jill Tilden
Assistant Editor
Jennifer Gill Editorial Co-ordinator
Judy Hirsh Chief Contributing Editors
Ian Bennett. Robert Pinner
Contributing Editors Alberto Boralevi, Steven Cohen Rosemary Crill, Michael Franses Donald King, DeWitt Mallary
John Mills, Thomas Murray James W.Reid, Philippa Scott Parviz Tanavoli, John Wertime
P icture L ib rarian
John Stroud
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Barbara Schneider Publisher’s Assistant
Wendy Kasabian D istribution Manager
Marc Thomas Systems Manager Veronica Purdey
Receptionist Zobida Khan
The German language supplement is published as an integral part of I IALI.
Editor Maria Schlatter
T ranslators Dorrit Dunn. Susaime Mattern
EDITORIAL Jon Thompson's reflections upon the recent major carpet event in Tehran. LETTERS Richard Hall on the kilim show in Munich: Steven Price on the Lenkoran medallion; Emily Sandford on restoration at ACOR. FRAGMENTS Five metres o f Paracas turban acquired by the De Young, whose Chief Curator Cathy Cootner celebrates a decade at the museum; conservation activities in and around London; a new textile museum for Italy; a / 7th century weaving poem. 96 FORUM
II hen is the Beghian Safavid Medallion and Cartouche carpet in Vienna not the Topkapi Harem carpet? Christine klose clarifies. An Austrian reader, Hans Seethaler, contributes three unrecorded examples o f Annunciation paintings depicting early carpets. 102 CONNOISSEUR S CHOICE
Carry Muse sent HALI the picture oj his chosen piece —an early Anatolian rug in the Turk ve Islam Eser/eri Museum - with the comment “The stuff that dreams are made o f " 104 CINTAMANI
Gerard Paquin Buddhist jewel or animal skinY Controversy surrounds the meaning and origin o f one o f the most familiar designs in Turkish carpets, textiles and decorative arts - the dots and wavy lines known as (jiritairiani. Gerard Paquin looks at the historical and visual evidence for its development in Centr al Asia, the Fav East and Anatolia. 120 TO WEAVE FOR THE SUN
Rebecca Stone-M iller The Boston Museum o f Fine Arts has one o f the most comprehensive and spectaculav collections o f pre-Columbian textiles in the world. The Columbus quincentennial has prompted a catalogue raisonne and selective exhibition. 128 EXHIBITIONS
The oriental rugs o f Parsons Todd, one o f the founders o f the Hajji Baba Club, exhibited at Macculloch Hall in Morristown, New Jersey; Venetian and Ottoman elements contribute to the vocabulary o f Greek Island embroideries, showing at the Art Institute o f Chicago; the 25th anniversary exhibition of the lavishly endowed conservation centre at the Abegg-Stiftung; a loan exhibition o f classic Saltillo serapes tours the US.