Issue 66 Volume 14, Number 6 December 1992

Publisher &Editor

Alan Marcuson Associate Publisher Sebastian Ghandchi

Deputy Editor Daniel Shaffer Managing Editor

JillTilden Senior Editor Maria Schlatter Assistant Editor

Jennifer Gill Editorial Co-ordinator

Judy Hirsh Editorial Assistant

Imogen Tilden Chief Contributing Editors

Ian Bennett. Robert Pinner

Contributing Editors Alberto Boralevi, Steven Cohen Rosemary Grill. Michael Franses Donald King, DeWitt Mallary

John Mills, Thomas Murray James W.Reid, Philippa Scott Parviz Tanavoli, John Wertime

Picture Librarian

John Stroud

Art Director

Liz Dixon Art Editor Anderida 1latch

Advertisement Manager

Julie Wicks Advertisement Executive

Susanna Babington Advertisement Co-ordinator

Lara Zunino

Subscriptions Manager


Ashley Spinks Publisher’s Assistant

Wendy Kasabian Distribution Manager

Marc Thomas Systems Manager Veronica Purdey

Receptionist Zobida Khan German Supplement Editor

Maria Schlatter Translators Dorrit Dunn, Susanne Mattem

HALI ETYMON Hali,the Turkish word for carpet, has survived unchanged for over 1,000 years. Its ancient Turkish, classical Persian and Ottoman forms are phonetically identical to modern Turkish. In modern Farsi, classical Persian and Ottoman Turkish script, hali is represented by the same

Arabic letters.


Varied responses to Muse's Connoisseur's Choice; more on the Tibetan nomads from Leeper and Cole; Tom Murray dims the lights.


A great collection catalogued - the V&A celebrates Boughton;a new role for Cathy Cootner; the Met accessions a Nuremberg tapestry.




FORUM A frank dispatch from Tehran - John Carswell scrutinises Iranian beer, Luna Park, the red-hot Bakhtiari and much elsebesides; a Kurdish weaving fact file courtesy of Richard E.Wright. CONNOISSEUR SCHOICE Ralph Kaffel's Kuba rug provides the opportunity to document a rare east Caucasian subgroup. ATOUCHTOOREMOTE Daniel Shaffer reflects on the Washington Textile Museum's 16th annual rug convention.


MICROVISION Put aside your magnifying glass and tweezers new microscope and video technologyrturns the close examination of textiles into child's play.


Handmade Textiles in Fez Louise W. Mackie A team of textile scholars working in Fez, Morocco, are preparing a case study of traditional textiles in an urban setting. This interim report focuses on the role and cultural importance of the drawloom and its products, and on embroidered cloths for the Moroccan wedding.


CARPETS &Others in the Oriental Style Ian Bennett &Michael Franses The collections at Boughton House include a group of pile carpets from the 16th and 17th centuries. Fourteen of these are conventional Eastern types while the remaining four are of Anatolian design but European making. These four enigmatic weavings ewethe starting point for a survey of Occidental weavings in Oriental style. 108 ACLEARPROSPECT

Maria Schlatter Fantasy and reality combined to make Ignazio Vok's exhibition of kilims in the grounds of a converted monastery near Trieste a magical affair.