96 EXHIBITIONS Oriental and European silks at the Kunstgewerbemuseum. Berlin; pre-Columbian artefacts seen in a new light in Vienna; ‘Art from Sacred Landscapes’makes connections at Houston;
focus on the art of Mughal India at the Sackler Museum, Cambridge, Massachusetts; short reviews of ‘Spanish Textiles’,
Howard Carter’s early work and a new Korean gallery in London; St Servatius’treasury in Quedlinburg; Egyptian embroideries in Baltimore; and American quilts in Geneva.
105 BOOKS Jacqueline Herald reviews Gillian Vogelsang Eastwood’s Resist-dyed Textiles from Quseir al-Qadim; Raoul Tschebull on Joyce C. Ware’s Official Identification and Price Guide —
Oriental Rugs; Donald King on Leonie von Wilckens’
Mittelalterliche Seidenstoffe. 108 TITLES RECEIVED Recently published books and catalogues.
108 APPENDIX Notes, bibliographies, acknowledgements. 109 THE HALI GALLERY Adistinctive advertisement section in house style.
125 NEWS
Amajor new Italian art fair in Turin promises to protect buy
ers’ interests, while Christie’s follows Sotheby’s in raising buyer’s premiums, Detlef Maltzahn of Rippon Boswell gives a German specialist auctioneer’s eye view; the Fabriko project revives warp ikat weaving in Sarawak; HALI scoops mystery rug notes in NewYork. 128 AUCTION PRICE GUIDE A fine five-colour Mamluk at Sotheby’s, NewYork, a world record price for an Agra in London, and plenty of good Caucasians at Rippon Boswell, some fetching hefty prices, make for an interesting end to 1993 at the auction houses.
Looking forward to Maastricht ‘93 (not the treaty), and back to autumn events in Vienna, where no fewer than three fairs attracted rug-minded visitors in November: ‘Antik Aktuel' at the Hofburg Palace, the ‘Wiener Antiqitaten Messe’at the Palais Ferstel, and ‘Antiqitaten Woche’at the Palais Palffy.
139 GALLERIES Willborg shows kilims and much else besides in the Stockholm freeport; Kailash Gallery usher in Antwerp’s year of culture with an autumn show strong on colour; Kurdish rugs from Jim Klingner in Brussels; in NewYork, a historic panorama of Kashmir shawl weaving at Mark Shilen and pre-Columbian weavings at Artweave; Douglas Dawson joins forces with Spencer Throckmorton and Lin and Emile Deletaille for a joint pre-Columbian show in Chicago; gabbehs at Gallery Zadah in London’s West End.
145 NETWORK Aclassified advertisement section.
169 CALENDAR A new listing of exhibitions, auctions and fairs worldwide.
174 PARTING SHOTS A topical selection of photographic images from HALI’s travels through the world of carpets and textiles.
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HALI ETYMON Hall, the Turkish word for carpet, has survived unchanged for over 1 ,000 years. Its ancient Turkish, classical Persian and Ottoman forms are phonetically identical to modern Turkish. In modern Farsi, classical Persian and Ottoman Turkish script, hah is represented by the same Arabic letters.