HALI 7 7

October/November 1994

County Museum of Art; Indian miniatures at Bristol Art Gallery: elephant iconography including a spectacular Gujarat patolu at the Seefeld ethnographic museum; art ol the Maldive

Islands at London’s Museum of Mankind; focus on Indian chintz in the Amsterdam Rijksmuseum; Hausa men's costume at the Toronto Museum for Textiles; oriental manuscripts at the Petit Palais in Paris.


James Opie reviews Moroccan Carpets by Brooke and Russell

Pickering and Ralph Yohe; Ian Bennett discusses Nomads ofLuristan by Inge Dement Mortensen.

126 TITLES RECEIVED A selection of recently published hooks and catalogues.

127 APPENDIX Notes, acknowledgments, structural tables and supplementary illustrations. 129 THE HALI GALLERY Adistinctive advertisement section in house style.


145 NEWS

Centre stage for Kyoto’s only specialist antique textile auction house, Kogire-kai Limited, and its president Junichi Morikawa; a raft of autumnal moves and changes.

147 AUCTION PREVIEWS London’s Autumn Asian Week fast approaches with classical carpets at Christie’s King Street, excellent Ottoman and Indian textiles at Christie’s South Kensington and fifty Turkoman rugs from the Werner Luges Collection at Sotheby’s. In Italy, the Milanese auction house II Ponte will hold its first carpet and textile sale in November.


It looks like being the biggest and best tribal art fair so tar -

Caskey-Lees hits Chicago and everyone will he there.

152 GALLERIES Spink &Son, London, open the season with an Islamic exhibition in October, followed in December by an outstanding collection of Chinese textiles spanning some seven hundred years; inimitable as ever - Eberhart Herrmann’s 16th annual exhibition in Munich; in Copenhagen Hans Elmby provides more fuel for those who can’t live without Turkomans; preColumbian textiles at Galerie Sailer in Salzburg; Persian tribal rugs at Daniele Sevi, Milan; Linda Wrigglesworth and Alberto Levi show Japanese carpets in London; Japanese shibori robes at Douglas Dawson Gallery, Chicago.

161 NETWORK A classified advertisement section.

177 CALENDAR A listing of auctions, exhibitions and fairs worldwide.

182 PARTING SHOTS Images from the visual kaleidoscope of Kyoto during the month of festival.

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HALI ETYMON Hali, the Turkish word for carpet or rug, has survived unchanged for over 1,000 years. Its ancient Turkish, classical Persian and Ottoman forms are phonetically identical to modern Turkish. In modern Farsi, classical Persian and Ottoman Turkish script, hah is represented by the same Arabic letters.