August/September 1995 115 BOOKS
Professor Howard Crane reviews Robert Hillenbrand's Islamic Architecture: Form Function and Meaning; St John Simpson on John Boardman’s The Diffusion of Classical Art in Antiquity;
John Gillow’s Traditional Indonesian Textiles reviewed by Linda Lynton.
120 APPENDIX Notes, acknowledgments and supplementary information.
121 THE HALI GALLERY Adistinctive advertisement section in house style.
137 NEWS
A single owner rug sale at Sotheby’s, London, gave the trade a chance to dream, hope, complain and finally, resoundingly,
buy; fair round-up; an upmarket London street party.
139 AUCTION PRICE GUIDE A Selendi ‘Bird’ carpet flies high at the 100% successful sale of the Toms Collection at Sotheby’s London, where Agras and a Morris commanded spectacular prices. Plus, in Germany, the usual thesaurus of collector weavings, including an ivory-
ground Turkoman asmalyk, at Nagel and Rippon Boswell.
The autumn season will see the inauguration of TEFAF Mark II, to take place in Basel, Switzerland, with several familiar faces in the rug and textile scene; Caskey-Lees plan two new autumn fairs in Manhattan - with strong international support already secured from dealers for the
Arts of Pacific Asia Show.
Saltillo serapes at Peyton-Wright in Santa Fe; Peter Willborg celebrates fifteen years in the business with an eclectic exhibition in Stockholm; Jermyn Street galleries Rossi & Rossi and Shirley Day exhibit early Indian and Chinese textiles; Turkoman weavings at Chris Legge’s Oxford gallery; Indian textiles at Joss Graham’s extended gallery in Victoria; Berber carpets at Reinisch of Graz; Orientalist harem paintings at
Malhaf Gallery, London; a portrait of Paul Nels.
153 HILL COUNTRY The quintessentially English Cotswold Hills have an association with the wool industry that goes back many centuries. They are now perhaps the last stronghold of the English antique carpet trade, with a scattering of dealers and restorers to be found enjoying the tranquillity of remote country villages and market towns.
157 NETWORK A classified advertisement section.
177 CALENDAR A listing ol auctions, exhibitions and fairs worldwide.
182 PARTING SHOTS Peter Willborg’s textile treasures bring Stockholm into the limelight; Wiesbaden in May attracts familiar faces at die Rippon Boswell auction; El Maghrib al Aqsa accommodates aspiring Moroccophiles for the first conference on Moroccan carpets.
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HALI ETYMON Hall, the modern Turkish word for carpet or rug, was written kali in Ottoman script until late in the 19th century, as it was in classical Persian and still is in modern Persian. it was borrowed from Persian into Urdu and from Ottoman Turkish into Armenian and other Caucasian tongues and into the languages o f the Balkans. Its ultimate origin is uncertain; it could be Turkish but might be Sogdian.