HALITheInternational Magazineof Antique Carpetand TextileArt
Editor DanielShaffer Deputy Editor JillTilden Senior Editor NicholasFurdon Editorial Archivist & Librarian RachelEvans Editorial Assistant SaniaRahman Consultant Editors MichaelFranses,RobertPinner Contributing Editors JuliaBailey,AlbertoBoralevi JohnCarswell,StevenCohen ThomasCole,RosemaryCrill SusanDay,MurrayEilandJr HerbertExner,AnthonyHazledine RinaIndictor,RalphKaffel AlanKennedy,DonaldKing DeWittMallary,JohnMills VanessaMoraga.ThomasMurray PennyOakley,CarloMariaSuriano WendelSwan,ParvizTanavoli JohnWertime
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Issue 96
THE COVER Adoration of the Magi, Gtidbrandsdal Valley. Norway, dated 1739, signed MID and AIID. Linen and wool tapestry, 1.92 x 1.53m (6'4" x 5'0"). This coverlet depicts the Three Kings on horseback following the star to the Christ Child, then presenting their precious gills. Surrounding the central field is a narrow band of birds and animals and in the corners are winged angels. The outer frame is composed of the widely used zigzag design with eight-petalled roses. Fifty-eight tapestries showing this New Testament episode are known, in two basic design layouts. That with the birds and animals hand was used for 37 while the remaining 21 are based on a rectangular design divided by a cross. In some versions the Kings are individualised to represent tin* Three Ages of Man. Museum of Applied Art, Oslo, inv.no. 1712.
HALI onthe move—looking forward toamomentous anniversary year in 1998. 65 LETTERS
Not true that DOBAG alone havediscovered thesecret of natural purple; aninvestigative approach tothehistory of ikat; natural hazardsfor carpets inJaipur. 67 FRAGMENTS
Rocky Mountain arena for ACOR 4; Anatolian kilim appreciation in Westphalia; theBible in pictures, Zittau’sLenten veils; Ernst Freiburger remembered. 69 FORUM
A child’seyeview of life with theindefatigable Uncle Charlie by Gretchen Anne Ellis; Wendel Swanassesses the20th I'Mrug convention; postcards from Iran Murray Eiland 111encounters rumour, Qajar undress and pastiche monsters inTehran, while Mike Tschebull negotiates high passes,dry valleys andferocious dogsin theremoter partsol EastAzerbayjan.
Tapestry Panels from Southern Peru Carl Struck Only recently noticed onthe international textile market, thesetechnically distinctive early horizon pre-Columbian weavings, usually described aseither Nascaor Sihuas, alsosharearangeofdynamic abstract d<
Norwegian Pictorial Coverlets Jo Nilsson Their technology and craft skills wereborrowed from Flanders, but thepictorial style andspirit of these tapestries arepurely Norwegian. In the twocenturies from themid 1700s, urban andrural weaversworked andreworked arepertoire of bible stories into coverlets that provided moral edification aswell asadornment for thebridal bedsofthewealthy burghers andgentry who commissioned them. 86 NEXT YEAR INJERUSALEM
Bezalel Carpets Anton Felton
IheBezalel School inJerusalem, founded in theearly yearsof the 20lh century, combined the ideals of the Arts and Crafts Movementwith themessianic vision ofa newwaveofZionist artists. Manycarpets wereproduced in thefollowing decades, evoking thetraditional history and symbolism ol theJewish people and its hopes for the future in anewmodern idiom. 92 ARABACHI
Michael Rnlhlxig Like thelittle girl in thenursery rhyme, “whenthey’re gootl they’revery, very good,andwhenthey’rebad they’rehorrid.” Concentrating onacoregroup ofthebest early examples, the author looksatthetechnical features andornamentation of Arahachi Turkmen carpets and trappings, aswell asreviewing thesuggestedhistory of the tribe who wovethem.