Introducing the new look IIALI. 11 | LETTERS

Boxers. Bijars. Baluches andmore. 13 | POSTCARD

RoddyTaylor discovers the magnificence of BukharaandSamarkand. 15 | NEWS

Shock resignations at Sotheby’s; newgalleryopenings; OCMgoes down; Ian Bennett’sreturn. 33 ! PREVI EW

Samplers at Boston; Ottoman domestic embroideryat theWashington Textile Museum; cocabags; royal tapestries; sofrehs; Central Asian textiles. ACOR5 exhibitions andDealers' Row: plenty on offer for all those lucky enough to beheadingfor SanFrancisco. Also upcomingfairs in Maastricht andNYand London'sApril AsianWeekauctions. 45 j CALENDAR

Aworld wide listings of auctions, exhibitions, fairs andconferences. 65 BOOKS

Julia Bailey on oneof the most lavish rugbookseverproduced, TurkishCarpets: MasterpiecesfromtheTIEM, byWalter B. DennyandNazanOlqer. photographed and published byAhmet Ertug. 71 TITLES RECEIVED

Aselection of recently published books andcatalogues. 72 E-VIEW

Love it or loathe it you can’t escape it. The internet is shaping tomorrow’s business today. 74 WORKSHOP

Dr Harald Bohmeron the secrets of madder, source of probably the most familiar andwidely useddye in oriental carpets. 77 FRAGMENTS

Field chairs for the officer sahib: an Iraqi map rug; franking the Pazyryk.


JohnWertime challenges the rug world to get to grips with the hypothesis of aTabriz origin for the dragon andblossom carpets. 94 |YAO LAN TAN

SHAMANS’ ROBES Wimolrat Jenjarassakul. Vichai Chinalai & LeeJ.Chinalai Theceremonial robes of the shaman contain a living andaccessible record of traditional Daoist symbolism, just one of theways inwhich the Yao hilltribes of northern Laossafeguard and preserve their history andculture. 100 |ORIENTAL RUGS IN

OCCIDENTAL Murray L. Eiland Jr.: photographs byDennis Anderson ForCalifornian collector JimDixon the initial encounter with rugs meant love at first sight. This passion has not waned, andwith time led to the unusual - possibly unique - decision to design ahousespecifically to display his rugs. 108 |THE WIEDERSPERG

COLLECTION Diane Mott TheFAMSFrugcollection continues to growapace. WolfgangandGisela Wiedersperg's recent donation of the fruits of four decadesof Turkmen collecting, someof which arecurrently on display, hasplaced the museum in the forefront of Western holdings. 112 IRANK & FILE

Colour Block Patterning on Paracas Necropolis Textiles Anne Paul Two thousandyearsagoPeruvian weavers in the ParacasPeninsula developedasubtle andcomplex technique of combining and interchanging pattern units. The organisation of colour units in their characteristic checkerboard designs reveals afascinating systemof logic. 120 APPENDIX

Acknowledgments, notes, bibliographies, supplementary images.


Stefano Carboni offers acurator's eye view of the collection of Islamic art at the MMA, NewYork; previewof the spring Islamic sales, newsandreviews. 131 GALLERY

Anadvertisement section in housestyle. 145 |REVI EW

Exhibitions of ethnographic textiles in Basel; aTurkmen event in Evanston; Sasanian textiles from Egypt in Geneva; Post-Byzantineart in Trieste; Kurdish rugs inWashington: Caucasianweavings in Munich; Vaishnavite art in Virginia; Gulbenkian highlights at the MMA. Conference roundup includes tie & dye textiles in Chile. German rug society meetings, the TMrug convention anddyes in Brussels, 153 |AUCTION PRICE GUIDE

Focuseson the seasonwinter rugand textile salesat Nagel, RB. SNYandCNY. 160 | BAY AREA FOCUS

Aroundup, with ACORinmind, of the amazingtalent waiting to provide rug tourists to the BayAreawith the best in carpets, textiles and tribal art. 171 DESIGN FILE

Newsandviewsof the modern carpet sector, with in-depth reports on the January fairs in I lanover andAtlanta. 181 NETWORK

Aclassifiedadvertisement section. 189 PROFILE

Intrepid traveller andethnographer Josephine Powell talks to Anthony Hazledine in Istanbul. 190 PARTI NG SHOTS

TheLAArdabil takesabath; Domotex andAtlanta fairs: the NYHajji Babas celebrate; plus stop-overs in Chicago. LA, Vancouver. SydneyandRajasthan. 192 LAST PAGE

Islamic art historian, linguist and novelist Robert Irwin uncovers the literary origins of the flying carpet.

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