II M l I he International Magazine o f Antiques, Carpets and Textiles hali Carpet ci, maker or seller of carpets.
The Concise Oxford Turkish Dictionary.
Issue 29. Volume 8, Number 1, January/February/March 1986
ADVERTISEMENTS ........................................................................... 1 - 7 6
THE COVER The Last Judgement. Funerary tapestry. Nuremberg, c. 1450. Wool and linen. Germanisches National museum. Inv. No.Gew 67 1. 2.42 x 1.47 m (7'9" x 4 '9 "). This dramatic tapestry, commissioned by Berthold Volckamer, was intended to drape the coffins of family members before burial. It represents Christ, dressed in the red robe of a judge, holding a lily and sword, the symbols of mercy and justice. Angels blowing trumpets summon the souls of the dead to appear before Him.
LETTERS ................................................................................................... 2 FRAGMENTS ............................................................................................. 3 CONFERENCES ........................................................................................ 6
B ib lio g raphy THE ROOK OF ROOKS
By Jonathon Green The background to the publication this year o f the latest 360 volume British Library Catalogue. Carpet Design AN ARDERIL FOR THE EIGHTIES 9 By Daniel Shaffer We interview carpet designer. Kamil Aliev, from the Azerbaijan SSK. Carpets in P a in tin g s IN HIS FATHER S FOOTSTEPS 10 By Dr. John Mills The National Portrait Gallery's portrait o f Edivard VI shows the young king in a pose fam ilia r from portraits o f his father. Henry VIII. Art a n d A stronom y HALI EV S COMET IN ART 12 By George Sisson O.B.E.. F.R.A.S. The rare depictions o f this fam ous comet include a fam ilia r scene in the Bayeux Tapestry. E cclesiastical Textiles A RENAISSANCE COPE 14 By Prof. Mark Whiting and Donald King Expert reports confirm the authenticity o f a strikingly coloured velvet cope. European Tapestry NUREMRERG: MEDIAEVAL TAPESTRIES 16 Bv Dr. I.conic von Wilckens The glorious flow ering o f Nuremberg tapestry weaving is described by the State Conservator o f the Germanisches Nationalmuseum. A description o f mediaeval Nuremberg by Andrea Marechal introduces this article.