HALIThe International Journal of Oriental Carpets and Textiles

Vol. 6 No. 3 1984

Issue 23




Discusses the relationship between art and industry in carpet weaving of the past and present.



Cover Detail of aDragon Sumakh. (See page 245)

Note. The forward advertisement section isseparately paginated for each issue while the articles and Gallery advertising are consecutively paginated through the volume (four issues)


Sean Gough: Dragon Sumakhs

Sean Gough introduces the different types of Dragon Sumakh carpets, and discusses the evolution of their designs, and their weaving technique.

Latif Kerimov: Islimi

The distinguished specialist and author on the rugs of Azerbaijan examines the origins and forms of the Islimi (Arabesque) design and its use in Oriental rugs and other folk art.

Nonna Stepanyan: Changes in Carpet Making in the Caucasus during the last Century

An expert on Armenian art, Dr. Stepanyan analyses the changing roles of the weavers and designers in the production of Caucasian rugs in the context of social and economic changes, and presents Armenian rugs with inscriptions in the Museum

Viken Sassouni: Rugs with Armenian Inscriptions and Associated Designs

The late Dr. Sassouni’s I.C.O.C. paper (London, June 1983) presents a detailed analysis of inscriptions in Armenian rugs and discusses their value in attribution.

Wilfried Stanzer: Portrait of an Austrian Collector

Illustrates the private collection of Caucasian rugs built up by an Austrian doctor and discusses rug collecting in post-Hapsburg Austria.

Karoly &Zsuzsa Gombos: Mor Dechy in the Caucasus 1884-1907

Photographs taken in the Caucasus by an Hungarian pioneer photographer at the turn of the century illustrate rugs in local settings.

Togrul Effendiyev: Techniques and Methods of Carpet Restoration

The Head of Research at the Azerbaijan Centre for Scientific Restoration of Museum Exhibits explains problems and techniques in the restoration of pile and flat-woven rugs.

Siegfried Gassong: Odshak Bashi

Discusses the history of these rare Turkoman hearth rugs and their designs and function.

Barbara Cleaver: An Introduction to Ainu Costume

An expert on Japanese folk textiles, Barbara Cleaver traces the history and ethnography of the aboriginal Ainu people of Hokkaido and their unique weavings.