HALIThe I n t e r n a t i o n a l J o u r n a l o f O r i e n t a l C a r p e t s a n d T e x t i l e s
C O N T E N T S V O L . 5 N O . 4
Editorial: The Oriental Carpet in London. Three Views
Cathryn Cootner from the United States, John Eskenazi from Italy, and Jim Ford from England look back on the 4th International Conference on Oriental Carpets and the London exhibitions.
D e n n i s R . D o d d s :
Qashqa’i Khoijins in Philadelphia
A visual survey of khorjins (saddlebags) woven by Qashqa’i tribes, from Philadelphia collections, integrating historical and technical facts with observations on aesthetic principles.
CoverDetail of aGabbeh potuee (blanket gabbeh). See p.474
Managing Editor: Robert Pinner
Assistant Editor: Pamela Callaghan
Editorial Assistant: Karen Woolfson
American Editor: Dennis R. Doods
American Associate Editor: Alix G. Perrachon
Publisher: Michael Franses
Business Manager: Bobby Marcuson
Advertising Manager: Ian Thomson
Circulation Manager: Sheila Blankfield
Circulation Manager (N. America): Jane Palestim
Distribution Assistant: Trevor Morgan
Designer: Richard Foenander
Directors: Robert Pinner, Michael Franses & Dennis R. Dodds
J a m e s O p i e :
The Animal Head Design in Lori/Bakhtiyari Weavings
James Opie, a well-known specialist on South Persian tribal rugs focuses attention on Lori and Bakhtiari rugs woven by tribes which have inhabited the South West Iranian province of Fars for at least 2,500 years. He sees the ‘animal-head’motif as a Lori device of great antiquity, and suggests that the study of Lori design promises significant information about the development of Persian tribal weavings.
D .W . M a r t i n :
Gabbehs of Fars - An Abstract Tribal Art
While many people recognise a Gabbeh, little is known about the origin and functions of these interesting tribal rugs. D.W. Martin who has travelled extensively in Southern Iran has long been fascinated by Gabbehs and has collected and studied many hundreds of examples. Here he writes a first comprehensive account of the different types of Gabbehs, their designs and technical features, the tribes who wove them, and thenethnological background.
P a r v i z T a n a v o l i :
Parviz Tanavoli, Iran’s leading authority on tribal rugs, presents several gabbehs of the Qashqa’i and Lor tribes as well as an unusual, two-sides gabbeh patuee.
B e r t r a m F r a u e n k n e c h t :
Anatolian Kilims
Bertram Frauenknecht, well-known as a connoisseur of Anatolian kilims, formulates aesthetic criteria and relates these to their historical development.
D . P . & T . Z . D h a l l :
Rugs of the Afghanistan Baluch
The pile rugs of the Baluch and other non-Turkoman tribes of Afghanistan have only recently begun to occupy Oriental carpet scholars and collectors. In this important contribution the authors, who have made a special study of these rugs in the field, present a systematic illustrated survey of the rugs and their weaves.
A l i x G . P e r r a c h o n :
The ORRA 13th Annual Conventionand 3rd Annual International Rug Fair 488
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