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The In ternational Journal o f Oriental Carpets and Textiles Die internationale Zeitschrift fur Orientteppiche und Textilien Vol 3 No 1 1980 An Oguz publication/Eine Publikation der Oguz

Contents/Inhalt Editorial/Redaktionelles........................................................................ 1 Louise Shelley & Richard E. Wright: Caucasian Rugs in the late Nineteenth Century................................ 3 Wesley Towner: The Pasha and the Magic Carpets - Part 2 ...................................... 8 Rugs of the Caucasus —Editorial Features Part 1. Star-Kasaks/Stemkasaks........................................................... 17 Part 2. Lyatif Kerimov’s Classification of the Rugs of Azerbaijan................................................................................................... 27 lan Bennett: On Collecting Baluch Rugs —Mainly for P leasure........................ 31 Erich Menzel: Das Photographieren von Teppichen I. Das Photographieren ausser Hause.................................................. 38 James W. Reid: Pre-Columbian Textiles: Woven Treasures from the Andean World............................................................................................. 41 Short Contributions A Caucasian Carpet: Its History and Restoration by Samuel I. Gorden...............................................................................45 Three Caucasian Rugs photographed in 1885 .................................47 Three Rugs in the Museo degli Argenti in Florence by Alberto Boralevi..................................................................................48 Kurzbeitrage Ornamentale Kufi Schrift- und Flechtbandmotive in Bordiiren von Orientteppichen von Franz Engerisser..................... 49 Books & Catalogues..................................................................................51 Bucher & Kataloge.....................................................................................56 Exhibitions................................................................................................ 57 Ausstellungen............................................................................................. 62 Rug Societies............................................................................................. 64 Auctions......................................................................................................67 News, Comments & Letters................................................................... 72 Briefe............................................................................................................73 Rugs on the Market..................................................................................74 Forthcoming Exhibitions/Zukiinftige Ausstellungen..................... 78 Auction Calendar/Auktionskalender.................................................. 78 Index to Advertisers/Inserentenverzeichnis.......................................78