Agenda Stories making the news this month
8 Colombia: is the FARC peace deal something to celebrate? 8 UN peacekeepers in disgrace 9 Mapuche refuse fracking in Argentina 9 Introducing Justin Trudeau 9 Saudi rights defenders, really? 10 Holding the line against ISIS in Iraq 10 In search of lost Indian soldiers 11 Good reasons to run from the Gambia 11 Wolves and boars galore in Chernobyl PLUS: Scratchy Lines by cartoonist Simon Kneebone and
Reasons to be Cheerful.
l l o r l l e M e
B e
The Big Story – 10 Economic Myths 13 Austerity – will it eventually bring about prosperity? 15 Deficit reduction – the only way out of a slump? 16 Taxing the rich – does it scare off investors? 18 Economic migrants – are they a burden? 20 Visual ‘ I predict…’ When economists got it all wrong. 21 The private sector – more efficient than the private sector? 23 Fossil fuels – are they really cheaper than renewables? 24 Financial regulation – will it spell doom for banking? 26 Organized labour – is it regressive? 27 Debt – must it always be repaid? 28 Growth – the be all and end all?
Features 32 Cry me a river A poetic and heartfelt plea to restore a wounded planet. By Suprabha Seshan. PLUS: Open Window with guest cartoonist Agim Sulaj.
Mixed media 38 Film reviews Carol, directed by Todd
Haynes; The Lesson, directed by Kristina Grozeva and Petar Valchanov. 39 Music reviews From Sacred to Secular by
Various artists; Impredecible by Bareto. 40 Book reviews Nocilla Dream by Augustín Fernández Mallo; A Brief Stop on the Road from Auschwitz by Göran Rosenberg; Smart Citizens, Smarter State by Beth Simone Noveck. PLUS Also out there… including books on ISIS
Opinion 37 Mark Engler #ShellNo: the triumph of the
Kayaktivists 43 Steve Parry
In the eye of a Twitter storm. PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon.
Regulars 6 Letters Women-only spaces; White
Helmets; and surburban squeeze. 7 Letter from Bangui Ruby Diamonde dines with a man on a mission to wake up his people. 30 Country Profile: North Korea 42 Southern Exposure Karel Prinsloo photographs a patient vendor in Kenya’s
Kibera slum. 44 Worldbeaters Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto may look like butter wouldn’t melt… but looks can be deceiving. 45 Puzzle Page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally The system is rigged, but it can be changed, US-Iranian film director Ramin Bahrani tells Malcolm Lewis.
ndyClark/BackboneCampaign under a CC Licence
Coming next month: The refugee crisis – what is to be done?
Front cover: Juha Sorsa Magazine designed by Andrew Kokotka and Juha Sorsa. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.
New I nter nat io nal ist ● D ecemb er 2015 ● 5