
Issue 71 • 4th quarter ���5






4 From the editor

6 Philosophy isn’t useless

9 Mediawatch

10 Child voters Phil Hutchinson and Rupert Read

17 In focus: the value of philosophy

Hawking’s challenge Amie Thomasson

Against the philistines Robert Lockie

29 Risky business Wendy M Grossman

31 Self-knowledge for real people Quassim Cassam

37 ISIS and religious violence Steve Clark

44 The ethics of geoengineering Marion Hourdequin

51 Tr ans f o rmative exper i ences Rich Cordero

58 When do groups know? Jennifer Lackey

65 Star Trek tech Dena Hurst

70 Snapshot: Pierre-Joseph Proudhon Jamie Ranger

72 Forum: Film as philosophy

107 Saving Matt Damon Jean Kazez

109 Reviews

119 What the critics said A M Ferner tpm 4TH QUARTER 2015