Agenda Stories making the news this month
8 Moment of truth for Balkan war crimes tribunal 8 Turning the screw in
9 Lay off the pills 10 What is killing Central
Cambodia 9 Gaza unliveable by 2020 9 Introducing Jeremy Corbyn PLUS: Scratchy Lines by cartoonist Simon Kneebone and
America’s sugarcane cutters? 10 Azerbaijan: free Khadija 11 Granny training in Lesotho 11 Carry-on up the Limpopo
Reasons to be Cheerful.
The Big Story – Paris Climate Summit
Mixed media 34 Film reviews Brooklyn, directed by John Crowley; The Black Panthers:
Vanguard of the Revolution, directed by Stanley Nelson. 35 Music reviews Captain Hume’s Journey to India by Philippe Pierlot and
Dhruba Ghosh; Rwanda Is My Home by The Good Ones. 36 Book reviews Stealing the Future by Max Hertzberg; Stars between the
Sun and Moon by Lucia Jang and Susan McClelland. Trans by Juliet Jacques; and Vanished by Ahmed Masoud.
Opinion 30 Argument: Is social media doing social harm? Meredith L Patterson and Deanna Zandt go head to head. PLUS Open Window with guest cartoonist Arcadio Esquivel. 33 Mark Engler Act against Amazon! 42 Chris Coltrane How to make room for refugees. PLUS Polyp’s Big Bad World.
i l y H u n t e r / G r e e n p e a c e
12 Forget Paris? While politicians drag their feet at climate summits, Jess
Worth and Danny Chivers find hope in unexpected places. 16 Views from inside the climate talks Arguing over commas while the oceans rise: tales from past summits. 17 China’s climate transition Is the world’s most populous country a climate villain or an environmental leader? Sam Geall investigates. 20 A Rebel’s Guide to Paris Want to cause trouble for the polluters and procrastinators at renowned for delving into Chile’s dark past. E m
Paris? John Jordan’s top tips for the discerning summit-crasher. 22 What’s on the table at Paris? Which proposals should we praise, and which should we protest? 24 Still biting Big Oil’s history of denial, delay and distortion is laid bare by
Greg Muttitt. 26 ‘The real power is below’ Southern campaigners, trade unionists and grassroots organizers discuss Paris, and beyond.
Features 38 A story of waiting As Western Sahara marks 40 years of occupation, Dominik
Sipiński listens to refugees tired of broken promises and dreams. 40 Patricio Guzmán’s search for the truth Roxana Olivera meets the documentary filmmaker
Front cover illustration: Steve Munday Magazine designed by Andrew Kokotka and Juha Sorsa. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.
Regulars 6 Letters 7 Letter from Bangui 28 Country Profile: El Salvador 43 Essay Hal Niedzviecki considers the case against the future. 45 Puzzle Page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally Author Susan Abulhawa on healing trauma, the violence of occupation and why women’s voices are sidelined in Palestine.
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