
Agenda Stories making the news this month 8 Under-mining global giant Vedanta 8 Spain’s radical housing fix 9 Life after rape in DRC 9 Introducing Pierre Nkurunziza 9 US victims of Agent Orange 10 Amnesty’s sex scandal 10 Defying the king of Swaziland 11 Hungary’s razor-wire welcome 11 Asia-Pacific trade deal talks stall PLUS: Scratchy Lines by cartoonist Simon Kneebone and

Reasons to be Cheerful.

The Big Story – Transgender i m H o n g -J i / R e u t e r s


12 The trans revolution It’s about basic human rights – and relinquishing fixed ideas that are doing harm, argues Vanessa Baird. 17 9 seriously easy things to do… to support trans people

Advice from CN Lester. 18 Where the children lead Marti Abernathey tackles the fraught issue of how best to help trans kids. 20 Transgender – the facts 22 Staying alive

Murder rates of trans people are high – but highest in Brazil. Amanda Palha gets to grips with transphobia. 25 I am what I am Eight people – and their experiences – from around the world. 28 Ma vie en jaune

Jennie Kermode on being intersex. 29 Action Groups and resources.

Front cover illustration: Jason Barker Magazine designed by Andrew Kokotka and Juha Sorsa. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.

Features 32 Minorities report Burma’s elections this November will be closely contested – but will the country’s ethnic minorities finally be heard? Tina Burrett reports. 42 A Mars bar from Tommy

Chocolate How is money – and debt –

created? The answer, says Peter Stalker, may surprise you.

i m o n s

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Mixed media 36 Film reviews 99 Homes, directed by Ramin Bahrani; A Girl at My Door,

directed by July Jung. 37 Music reviews Ya Balad by Bachar Mar-Khalifé; Try To Be Hopeful by The

Spook School. 38 Book reviews The Underground by Hamid Ismailov; The New Threat by Jason Burke; The Wikileaks Files by Wikileaks; and America’s Dreyfus by Joan Brady. PLUS Also out there…

Opinion 35 Mark Engler A Pope in Washington. 41 Kate Smurthwaite

Down with love. PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon.

Regulars 6 Letters Syrian tragedy; alternatives to capitalism; and shadowy co-ops. 7 Letter from Bangui Giving a voice to the voiceless, Ruby Diamonde’s friend

Tatiana is an inspiration. 30 Country Profile: Sudan 40 Southern Exposure Daniel Patino Flor from Ecuador captures a moment of relaxation on Santay Island. 44 Worldbeaters German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble: ruthless schemer and reactionary heavyweight. 45 Puzzle Page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally Stories, silences and songs – Ethiopian musician Meklit

Hadero talks to Graeme Green.

Coming soon:

Climate justice: the Paris summit 10 economic myths we need to ditch The refugee crisis – what is to be done?

New I nter nat io nal ist ● October 2015 ● 5