
Issue 70 • 3rd quarter ���5

4 From the editor


6 Rawls’ greatest hits 9 Mediawatch


10 Healthcare  Phil Hutchinson and Rupert Read 18 In focus: same sex marriage The power of definition  Douglas Walton and

Fabrizio Macagno The meaning of marriage John Corvino 25 Going clear  Wendy M Grossman THOUGHTS 27 Philosophical dialogues  Timothy Williamson 34 Pains that don’t hurt  David Bain 42 Are scientific theories true?  Paul Dicken 49 The ethics of defensive killing  Helen Frowe 55 An atheist’s Bible study  Matthew H Kramer 60 Snapshot: Stanley Fish  Michael Robertson DISCUSSION 65 Forum: Love REVIEWS 107 Meeting Caitlyn  Jean Kazez 110 Reviews 119 What the critics said  A M Ferner tpm  3RD QUARTER 2015