W e c e l e b r a t e t h e s u c c e s s o f C u b a n son w i t h a S o n g l i n e s g u i d e t o t h e g e n r e ( p a g e 2 4 ) Photo World Circuit

5 Soundtracks Interviews with artists including Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Muzsikas and the Vieja Trova Santiaguera; Michael Palin on his world music encounters; a chance to win Ravi Shankar’s stunning autobiography; news from the world music record scene

18 Cover feature: The Chieftains Paddy Maloney waxes lyrical about The Chieftains' ‘women’s album’, the fruits of their collaboration with a host of young female artists from the Celtic world

22 Compass points Andy Morgan goes site-seeing on the Internet and explores some of the more - and less - fascinating of the world music home pages to be found

24 The Songlines guide to Cuban son In the first in our series introducing a world music tradition, Jan Fairley reveals the delights of this currently ubiquitous musical genre

34 The art of music In this series exploring the connections between music and the visual arts from traditions around the world, we look at a painting by the Aboriginal Australian artist Jimmy Pike and discover its connection with songlines

36 Tools of the trade For the first instalment of our regular insider’s guide to an instrument, 17-year-old Anoushka Shankar presents a show-and-tell with her sitar, an instrument she knows intimately; she has been playing under the guidance of her infamous father, Ravi Shankar, since the age of 9

47 Top of the world The Editor's selection of the top ten CDs reviewed in this issue of Songlines

48 Reviews Over 100 CD reviews, including new releases from The Chieftains, the Vieja Trova Santiaguera, Anoushka Shankar, Muzsikas, Varttina and Talvin Singh, as well as discs of music from Syria, Romania, Madagascar, Portugal, the Western Sahara and from the Native American and Jewish traditions. Book reviews include Ravi Shankar’s new autobiography

98 Label traveller Simon Broughton profiles Wicklow, Nubenegra and Topic, three record labels bringing us great world music on disc

102 On the road Dates and venues for some of the key events to watch out for in the next quarter, including concerts by Paco Pena, Fairport Convention, Dastan, the Drummers of Burundi and a collaborative concert by Sekouba Bambino, Oumou Dioubate and Kandia Kouyate

108 Catalogue corner A selection of CD catalogues from a variety of world music record labels tempting you to sample their wares

110 UK label distributors A directory for UK suppliers of record labels featured in Songlines

112 Backpack Andy Kershaw’s regular column in which he rants and reflects about recent events in the world music scene

Cover photo McCarthy A il additional illustrative photographic material Toner

Key to recording details © in d ica tes a fu l l p r ic e CD (£ 1 0 -0 0 o r over) ® in d ica tes a m ed ium price CD (£ 7 -0 0 -£ 9 -9 9 ) ® ind ica tes a bargain price CD (£ 5 -0 0 -£ 6 -9 9 )

In CD review headings, a r t is t names are g iven f irs t , fo llo w ed b y the t it le o f th e d is c , the record label, record num ber and to ta l t im in g of th e d isc

Songlines 3