INDULGE textiles to buy, collect or simply admire 67 STREET ART Don’t miss The Tentmakers of Cairo at this summer’s Festival of Quilts
GLOBAL Textiles from around the world 27 CONSUMING FIBRE At Brown Grotta Art, taste and beauty matter more than the ingredients Written by Rhonda Sonnenberg
ANECDOTE textiles that touch our lives 96 FABRIC SWATCH No 25: Nylon Our regular contributor Sarah Jane Downing explores a pretty synthetic that was briefly the height of fashion. Illustrated by Mark Lazenby 68 LOUD BUT NEVER SQUARE How music and art put their own twist on fashion 71 POP ALONG Upbeat exhibitions on show this summer and beyond
CONCEPT textiles in fine art 46 WEARING THIN Dr Jessica Hemmings interviews Maggie Orth, an artist and technologist with a point to make about our increasingly hi-tech lives 32 SOUND AND VISION Christine Checinska wonders how Nick Cave’s astonishing Soundsuits take shape 54 CULTURAL COLLISION Sonia Delaunay was an unstoppable force in art and fashion Written by Maggie Norden
INDUSTRY from craft to commerce 48 CLEANING UP Emma Bridgewater tells how Pat Albeck built a thriving business designing bright kitchen textiles
COHABIT stunning interiors beautifully photographed 41 MIX AND MATCH Beth Evans photographs Graham Hollick’s colourful East End apartment 60 A KIND OF MAGIC Corinne Julius meets Nadia-Anne Ricketts a weaver working to a new rhythm