Agenda Stories making the news this month 8 Cementing Gaza’s suffering 8 Sámi’s diamond win 9 Change postponed in Togo 9 Introducing Muhammadu Buhari 9 Awards for bigots in Malaysia 10 Canada’s open wound 10 Solar comes to Shatila 11 Global frack-down in Basque Country 11 Thai seafood slaves PLUS: Scratchy Lines by cartoonist Simon Kneebone and easons to be Cheerful.
The Big Story – Fundamentalism
I m a g e s
‘free market’. A P/ P r e s sA s s o c i a t i o n
12 The lure of the dead-end How do oppressive ideologies take hold despite the devastation they cause? Dinyar Godrej looks behind the news headlines. 17 Take your pick Ziauddin Sardar on the various fundamentalisms on offer in
Pakistan. 20 Captive to their own myths The upsurge of Hindu nationalism in India, by Urvashi
Butalia. 23 The miseducation of Jonny Scaramanga His escape from fundamentalist schooling. 24 The anti-gay gospel How foreign funds amplify hate in Uganda, by Patience kumu. 26 Worshippers of the Almighty Invisible Hand Robert W Parenteau’s satirical look at true believers in the
Features 38 The Arctic carve-up Could the next ‘cold’ war be a battle for control of the rapidly melting polar circle? Kyla Mandel reports. 40 Dirty games Azerbaijan will be showing its friendly face this month as it hosts the European Games. But it’s what is going on behind the scenes that is important, argue Emma Hughes and James Marriott.
Mixed media 34 Music reviews From Kinshasa by Mbongwana Star; Delone by Sacri Cuori. 35 Film reviews The Tribe, directed by Myroslav Slaboshpytskiy;
The Supreme Price, directed by Joanna Lipper. 36 Book reviews Don’t Try This At Home by Angela Readman; How Politics
Makes Us Sick by Ted Schrecker and Clare Bambra; The Whale House by Sharon Millar; Headscarves and Hymens by Mona Eltahawy. PLUS: Also out there…
Opinion 30 Argument: Can eating meat and dairy products be sustainable? Simon Fairlie and James McWilliams go head to head. PLUS: Open Window with guest cartoonist Emrah Arikan from Turkey. 33 Mark Engler Let’s stop ‘playing Indian’. 43 Kate Smurthwaite A sharp kick in the ballots.
PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon.
Regulars 6 Letters Printing money; the IQ myth; Iron Man inspiration. 7 Letter from Bangui Education means learning your rights, not just how to write,
says Ruby Diamonde. 28 Country Profile: Burma 42 Making Waves Bahraini activist Maryam Abdulhadi al-Khawaja smiles in the face of adversity. 44 Southern Exposure Silent communication on a Moroccan street, by Thana Faroq. 45 Puzzle Page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally Subi Shah talks to writer and activist Farrukh Dhondy about his time in the Black Panther Movement, multicultural TV and washing his own clothes.
Front cover: Andrew Kokotka/Khaled Abdullah/Reuters Magazine designed by Andrew Kokotka and Ian Nixon. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.
Coming next month: The transgender revolution
New Inter natio nalist ● JUNE 2015 ● 5