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All pic tures AFP unless indicated. Registered w it h the British Library. ISSN 0141-3929 ©2006 IC Publications Ltd.

A B C Member of The Audit Bureau o f Circulations.

E d i to r ia l 11 Is China Africa’s best friend?

Top ic 42 Africa’s lakes drying up

Cover s t o r y

New P r o d u c t s

A f r i c a ’s m an a gem e n t co n u n d rum 45 A fan for football fans, S i x b u s in e s s ch am p io n s and other new products

14 Scott Badbury

16 Andrew Rugasira

18 Kim Warren

20 Dominic Bruynseels

24 Sam Jonah

26 Mo Ibrahim

F in a n c e

28 A single currency for Africa?

S p o t l ig h t 38 New fund rewards results

T r e n d s 4 0 World on the move

C o u n t ry f i le

48 Namibia: Poverty hammered

49 Lesotho: The other side of the coin

50 S . A frica : Mission impossible?

52 N ige ria : Third term factor

54 Ghana: Call for action

55 L ib e r ia : The end of the beginning

56 A lg e r ia : Economic recovery gathers pace

R e v ie w s B o o k s /M u s ic 62 US Foreign Policy and the Horn of

Africa, and other books

6 6 S enegal’s maestro returns