N°289 J u ly 2003
B o t s w a n a : D i a m o n d s ARE NOT FOREVER.
SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT: U S - A f r i c a B u s i n e s s S u m m i t .
Ed it o r ia l 7 Open the gates for African trade.
C o u n t r y Fo c u s 12 Botswana: Diamonds are not forever.
V iew from the C ity 16 WAMU: Myth or reality?
St o c k Ex c h a n g e s 18 Size constrains Africa's stock markets.
T e c h n o l o g y 20 New technology for an old continent.
Special supplement U S -A f r i c a BUSINESS SUMMIT 24 Doing business in Africa.
28 The beginingof a beautiful relationship.
32 Nepad - MCA on collision course?
33 Tunisia: Africa’s bridge to the world.
37 2003 gains offset 2002 pains.
4 0 Mauritania steps forward.
45 Summit programme.
4 6 Summit participants.
W heels 50 Renault’s new Espace.
52 Trabant: A car for Africa?
E r i t r e a : S t e a m GIANTS ROLL AGAIN.
Ev e n t s 53 UK’s ‘Black Oscar’ for Spike Lee.
O il & G as 54 Nigerian production on target.
COUNTRYFILE 56 Uganda: Getting the balance right.
58 Eritrea: Steam giants roll again.
Kenya: Cracking down on corruption.
6 0 Morocco: Blasts fail to shake trade.
62 Kenya: Punished for terror a le r t .
Rev ie w s B o o k s / Music
6 4 Unbinding Africa. 66 Kassi Kasse - Mande music from Mali.
A f r i c a n B u s i n e s s i J u l y 2 0 0 3