October 2001 No 269



Profile 31 Levy Mwanawasa Zambia's next President?

Cover Storv 10 Z im babwe: W ill the land deal work? 12 The shrinking economy View From The Citv 14 SA economy shines Africa and th e World 16 The Durban Race conference Industry 19 Locals miss out on oil boom

Agriculture 22 Zambia's star farm

Aviation 25 A ir A friq ue soap opera 2 6 Hard times fo r SAA

Commodities 2 7 Metals on ro lle rcoaster ride

Labour 2 9 Cosatu and ANC square up

Products P rocesses 3 3 - 3 4 24 hour sun; squeeze o f life ; bricks from soil; cheese fo r A frica ; Superjuke fights pirates; Refugee sounds.

Opinion 35 W ill America re jo in the world?

Hammering out a deal over Zimbabwe.

Counrvfile 3 7 Kenya: Economic collapse 39 N igeria: Mobiles fo r some 4 0 Nam ib ia : Tiff over river of gems 41 S Africa: Business skills in jail 4 2 Eritrea: Pounding fo r shoes 4 4 Seychelles: Rene scrapes in 4 4 N igeria minerals conference

Travel 4 6 City Guide: Marrakesh

Books 4 8 Travel books special

Aftermath of the US terror strikes.

The splendid gardens of Marrakesh.

A f r ic a n B u s in e s s ! O c to be r 2001 I 3