an CC publication

Fotus on Zam b ia The to p p e r slide


Ethiopian potential Kenya: picking up the pieces

Airfreight in

Africa survey




jm M

NOVEMBER 1982 No. 51

Botswana 2P CFA Zone CFA500 Egypt EC125 Ethiopia 5 E Bn i Gambia D3.5 Ghana 15 cedis Italy L2.000 Japan Y 700 Kenya Shs17 Lesotho M2 Lihena S2 00 Malaw i K2 50 Mauntius 20R M o io c c o 8D Nigeria N I 5 0 Seychelles 1 /S R Sierra Leone L2 50 Somalia Sits 15 Sudan SCI 50 Tanzania Shs20 Uganda S h s 100 UK t '1 0 0 USA S 2 5 0 W .G e tm any DM4 50 Zambia 1 5K Z im babw e SI 75