>> CONTENTS September 2008

Issue No 319 www.artmonthly.co.uk

COVER Christian Boltanski, photographed by Gautier Deblonde, listening to his sound pieceThe Whispers, Folkestone Triennial 2008

01 FEATURES The self-effacing object Mark Prince on the paradox of sculpture without content






16 PROFILE Tatiana Trouvé é Sarah-Neel Smith


EXHIBITIONS Total Enlightenment: Moscow Conceptual Art Michael Corris 20 Sydney Biennale Martin Patrick 22 Manifesta 7 Reuben Fowkes 24 Folkestone Triennial Tatton Park Biennial Pryle Behrman 26 Far West Martin Herbert 27 Susan Hiller: The Last Silent Movie Peter Suchin 28 To become like music David Ryan 29 Tsang Kin-Wah: What Are You Looking At? Bob Dickinson 30 Games & Theory David Barrett 31 Embedded Baghdad/Space Cog/Analyst Marcus Verhagen 33 Chantal Akerman Maria Walsh 34 Huang Yong Ping Cliff Lauson

35 ARTISTS’ BOOKS Bill Drummond Cory Arcangel Michelle Cotton 36 BOOKS Art on Television Ian White 37 FILM Mary Ellen Bute Sophia Phoca

38 REPORT Jordan Arts Festival Patricia Bickers

39 SALEROOMS New York Colin Gleadell

41 ARTLAW Copyright: Orphan Works Henry Lydiate



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ISSN 0142 6702 Art Monthly is published 10 times a year

Editor Patricia Bickers Deputy Editor Ian Hunt Assistant Editor Frederika Whitehead General Manager Brendan Fan Listings Chris McCormack listings@artmonthly.co.uk Advertising Matt Hale Chris McCormack ads@artmonthly.co.uk Subscriptions/Distribution Brendan Fan subs@artmonthly.co.uk Production Letty Mooring Proofreader Penny Williams Indexer Penny Butler Events Coordinator Frederika Whitehead Publisher Jack Wendler Design Beverley Jackson

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