T h e B e s t s e l l i n g P a n - A f r i c a n B u s i n e s s M a g a z i n e
Building the ‘Pearl of Africa’ Kilamba New City: Where Life Lives Africa’s hottest investment destination Urban investment: Social good over profit? The future shape of African Cities City planning now top African priority How cities can heal urban conflict
AFRICAN CITIES A n g o l a : C o n s t r u c t i n g A B o l d N e w C o u n t r y
In conjunction with the Ministry of Urbanism and Habitat, Republic of Angola and United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG-A)
l UK £4.00 l USA $7.00 l Euro Zone €4.50 l Angola 700 Kwanza (AOA) l Canada $8.00 l CFA Zone CFA 2.700 l Denmark DKr 50 l Egypt E£ 30 l Ethiopia R 90 l Gambia Da 200 l Ghana GH¢ 20.00 l Kenya KShs 450 l Morocco Dh 40 l Nigeria N 750 l Rwanda RWF 5000 l Sierra Leone LE 20000 l South Africa R45.00 (inc. tax) l Other Southern African Countries R 39.50 (excl. tax) l Sweden SKr 40 l Switzerland SFr 7.00 l Tanzania TShs 8,000 l Tunisia TD 6.00 l UAE Dh 30 l Uganda USh 12,000 l Zambia ZMK 35