Agenda Stories making the news this month 8 Sundarbans spill in Bangladesh 8 Fishy goings-on in Europe 9 Western Sahara: rubbing salt in the wound 9 Introducing Beji Caid Essebsi 9 Green Muslims grow 10 Indian barefoot lawyers bring rape justice 10 NGOs under fire in Kenya 11Ethiopian men tackle gender inequality 11 Femwash most foul PLUS: Scratchy Lines by cartoonist Simon Kneebone and Reasons to be Cheerful.
The Big Story – The great green energy grab i t e d i m
LA r r a y
12 Whose renewable future? Author and activist Danny Chivers on why we shouldn’t let big business muscle in on renewables, and how to build a democratic clean energy future. 14 The FACTS – renewable energy 18 From best to worst Inspiring examples of democratic, renewable energy – and or both? Aldo Orellana López, Dr Lawrence Jones and Pujarini Sen thrash out the options for getting clean energy to the people who need it. L o n d o n also how not to do it. 21 ACTION – what you can do and where to start 22 Desertec: clean energy colonialism Desert solar plants planned for North Africa are just another exploitative resource grab, argues Hamza Hamouchene. 24 Why the war on wind? Surveys tell us that the public love wind power, so why do certain countries see such fierce campaigns against it? Helle Abelvik-Lawson investigates. 26 Power to the people? Community micro-grids, government-controlled energy,
Front cover: Andrew Kokotka Magazine designed by Andrew Kokotka, Ian Nixon and Juha Sorsa. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.
Features 38 Too great a toll Migration offers an escape from poverty – but the reality for many Indonesians is very different. Michael Malay reports from West Java. 42 Race science rears its ugly head Racism disguised as academic research must be robustly challenged, argues Gavin Evans.
Mixed media 34 Music reviews War Is a Wound, Peace Is a Scar, by Hanoi Masters;
Convoque seu Buda by Criolo. 35 Film reviews Dreamcatcher, directed by Kim Longinotto; Love is All,
directed by Kim Longinotto; Still Alice, directed by Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland. 36 Book reviews Signs Preceding the End of the World by Yuri Herrera; The
Radical Imagination by Max Haiven and Alex Khasnabish; Sex in China by Elaine Jeffreys with Haiqing Yu; Dear Leader by Jang Jin-sung. PLUS: Also out there…
Opinion 30 Argument: If you care about climate change, should you have children? Professor Anne Hendrixson and journalist Erica Gies go head to head. PLUS: Open Window with guest cartoonist Osvaldo
Gutierrez Gomez from Cuba. 33 Mark Engler The Trans-Pacific Partnership: let’s not work together. 40 Kate Smurthwaite Abortion wars on brand new shores. PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon.
Regulars 6 Letters Deaf people denied; oil spells trouble; and our devastating lust for gold. 7 Letter from Bangui The charming city is coming back to life, but only for some,
says Ruby Diamonde. 28 Country Profile: Romania 41 Worldbeater The self-aggrandizing Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. 44 Southern Exposure Basel Yazouri captures a moment of joy in Gaza. 45 Puzzle Page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally Algerian author Mohammed
Moulessehoul tells Graeme Green why he writes under his wife’s name of Yasmina Khadra, and why he ran for president.
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