Agenda Stories making the news this month 8 Life goes on with leprosy in Nepal 8 ‘We are all Ayotzinapa’ 9 Prison for police in Tunisia 9 Introducing Klaus Iohannis 9 Lebanese migrant families ripped apart 10 Seniors take on climate change 10 Colombians displaced by blood and fire 11Battling for green space in Turkey 11 Time for an oil change in Oman? PLUS: Scratchy Lines by cartoonist Simon Kneebone and Reasons to be Cheerful.

The Big Story – Democracy in the digital era

I m a g e s

. K a r l s s o n / G e t t y

SJ o h a n n

12 Democracy in the digital era Activist and Icelandic Pirate Party MP Birgitta Jónsdóttir on what we can do and the tools we can all use to strengthen democracy and make it real. 17 ACTION – ways, means and contacts 18 The FACTS – democracy in the digital era 20 More noise than signal

Micah L Sifry assesses the political limits of social media. 22 Dreams of freedom, dreams of domination How the internet got colonized, by Jillian C York. 23 Tread softly in cyberspace

Dunja Mijatović makes the case for light-touch regulation. 24 Everywhere in chains Investigative journalist Nick Davies on the myth of press freedom. 25 Privacy vs transparency Not necessarily opposed, argues Sunil Abraham. 26 Mind your own business Privacy International’s Eric King on resisting surveillance. 27 A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace

John Perry Barlow’s visionary 1996 statement.

Front cover: Molly Crabapple Magazine designed by Ian Nixon and Juha Sorsa. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.


Features 28 Unreported Year Stories that didn’t make the mainstream media in 2014. 42 The dictator and the popstar How General

Pinochet inadvertently helped create Chile’s thriving music scene. By Anne Hoffman.

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P e n n e y

J o e

Mixed media 37 The best of 2014 38 Film reviews I Am Yours, directed by Iram Haq; Pelo Malo (Bad Hair),

directed by Mariana Rondón. 39 Music reviews Akory by Razia Said; Sobre Noites e Dias by Lucas Santtana. 40 Book reviews The Alphabet of Birds by SJ Naudé; The Shifts and the

Shocks by Martin Wolf; How To Speak Money by John Lanchester; Don’t Even Think About It by George Marshall. PLUS: Also out there…

Opinion 36 Steve Parry Life behind the curtain. PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon. 44 Mark Engler #BlackLivesMatter

Regulars 6 Letters Charities can’t be revolutionaries; tackling Big Oil; and what

‘free speech’ looks like in the US. 7 Letter from Bangui Peacekeeping without peacebuilding is doomed to fail, says Ruby Diamonde. 34 Country Profile: Dominican

Republic 45 Puzzle Page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only

Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally ‘We can change the world – but music can’t,’ Billy Bragg tells Louise Gray.

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J a m e sM

Coming next month: Renewable energy

N e w I n t e r n at i o n a l i s t ● J a n ua r y / F e b r ua r y 2 015 ● 5