Contents November 2001 Issue No 251

COVER Doug Aitken New ocean 2001 Video still {01} FEATURES

Surrealism 2001 Does Tate Modern’s exhibition represent yBa-era Surrealism asks David Hopkins {07} Japan 2001

Clare Manchester suggests that much contemporary Japanese art has its roots in Gutai {15} COMMENT

Editorial {16} ARTNOTES


Reviews Abigail Lane Maria Walsh {23} Nathan Coley

Bas Jan Ader John Tozer {25} Grazia Toderi

Ugo Rondinone Gilda Williams {26} Spencer Tunick

Alison Green {28} Doug Aitken

Mark Wilsher {29} Peter Friedl

Michael Ellis {30} Jim Shaw

Alex Farquharson {31} Graham Parker

Martin Vincent {33} Doris Salcedo

Sophie Ristelhueber Jose Davila Dan Smith {35} Fluid

Emma Safe {37} Ars 01: Unfolding

Perspectives Rebecca K Engmann {40} New York Round-up

Michael Wilson


Artists’ Books Falling off bridges and other feats Mark Beasley {47} BOOKS

Art & Feminism Artistical Narratives Cherry Smyth {48} NETWORKS

Low-fi Indexes to Infinity Michael Gibbs {49} ARTLAW

EU Directives Copyright & Resale Right Henry Lydiate {50} LISTINGS


Art Monthly 4th Floor 28 Charing Cross Road London WC2H ODB United Kingdom Telephone 020 7240 0389 Fax 020 7497 0726 Email ISSN 0142 6702 Art Monthly is published 10 times a year Annual subscription rates

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