MONTHLY CONTENTS Among Women Only One hundred and thirty women submitted 800 works for

Page2 Andrew Graham-Dixon Frederick Ted Castle Kenneth Baker

Exhibitions Andrew Wilson Mary Anne Francis Simon Morley Paul Usherwood Tim Marlow

Film Raymond Durgnat

Architecture Katharine Heron

Books Julian Stallabrass Margarct Ga rlake

2 5 12 16

Sound of slamming doors Interview with George Segal A letter from NY A letter from California

19 19 21 22 23

John Latham Cornelia Parker Richard Diebenkorn Hot potatoes Anthony Caro


Cooped in a co-op


Sackler Galleries

27 28

MaxErnst lvon Hitchens



Art & Censorship !an McKay


Art law Henry Lydiate & James Odling-Smee

Salerooms Colin Gleadell



Art & censorship


Knockin' on Hebborn 'sdoor


Art & design in Monte Carlo



Cover: Cornelia Parker and The Army School of Amm unition blow up a garden shed to be used as part of the installation Cold Dark Matter at the Chisenhale Gallery.

selection, of which 34 are responsible fort he 56 pieces recently to be seen at Spacex; 96 women were disappointed and many have professed to being 'very cross indeed'.

The resulting spleen is partly directed at Spacex manage r Deborah Wood, and partly at the selection panel of Louise Baker (Exhibition Organiser at the Brewhouse Theatre and Arts Centre), Pauline Barrie (Coordinator of the Women Artists Slide Library) and Amanda Faulkner ('acclaimed arlisl working in London'). Deborah Wood's intention was to compile a 'Register ' of those w ome n working in the region - to build a 'Slide Library '-and to organise some sort of 'Forum' that would enable those who fe lt in need of administrative support to see Spacex as a centre for such activ ities. The ex hibition is seen as impo rtant in i tself but the thinking b e hind the venture is concerned with broader issues. She admits to being 'more tha n amazed' at some of the reactions of those women who were more than willing to submit but 'seemed unable to cope with rejection'.

Part of the problem might be that the selection panel was not told of the names - or indeed status - of those that s ubmitled and part might be a pol icy that insisted that a ll three selectors had to be in agreement as to the merit of each piece of work in orde r for it to bechosen . lt could be argued that it is the work that provokes dissension that causes comment a nd that compromise decisions mean that the mediocre has more than a n even chance. H owever one looks at it the notion of the 'lottery' will inevitably come to mind, but equally one would thin k that these days that is taken for granted. An init ial disappointment a t rejection is to be expected - it would be foolish to imagine otherwise- but those at Spacex who genuine ly believe tha t there is a need for such a 'grouping' seem justifiably miffed at the reactions of many of the would-be participants. John Furse New Work by Women Artists from the South West of England at Spacex Gallery, Exeter, Sept 7 - Oct 5.

This months Vanity Fair carries a number of interest ing articles including pieces on Warren Beatly and Arthur Miller. Page 112 carries astory on Jeff Koons, previewing his new work and including a numer of classic Koonerisms:

·"I am a very happy man," Koons said. "I'm very, very happy. And the sculpture that I am most interested in is o ur child. I don't believe that marble bust I made is my way to enter the Realm of the Eternal. To me the o nly way to exist in the eternal is through biological sculptures." ' AM presumes that Jeff & llona are having a baby. Jeffolina?


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ISSN 0142-6702 Art Monthly is published 10 times a year.

Editor: Deputy Editor: Advertising & Distribution: Editorial:

Peter Townsend Patricia Bickers

Matthew Hale, Nell Wendler Letty Mooring, Michael Brady

Annual subscription rates: Individual: U.K. £20 Europe £26 North America US$35 + $10 p&p Rest of the World US$35 + $20 p&p

Institutions: U.K. £25 Europe £33 North America US$44 + $10 p&p Rest of the World US$44 + $20 p&p


Jack & Nell Wendler

Published by Britannia Art Publications Ltd. Print~d in Great Britain by W.E. Baxter Ltd, Lew es, East Sussex. U .K. Distribu tor: Central Books Ltd. 99 Wallis-Rd, London E9 SLN (08 1) 986 4854. U.S. Distributor: Ubiquity Distributol"5, 607 Degraw Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217, USA, 718-875 5491. The views expressed in Art Monthly are no! necessarily those of the Publishers or Editors. Artides submitted for possible publication and accompanied by SAE are welcomed, but it is advisable to contact the Editorial Department beforehand. \.Yhile every effort will be made to safeguard unsolicited mss, photos and other material submitted, the Editors will not accept responsibility for loss or damage.