Agenda Stories making the news this month
8 Troubled waters in Australia 8 Spain’s homeless fonts 9 Outlobbying the rich 9 Malaysia’s transgender challenge 9 Introducing Pablo Iglesias
10 Albinism myths persist in
Tanzania 10 Protecting pacifism in
Japan 11 After the virus in West
Africa 11 Encoding language
PLUS: 20 years ago in New Internationalist, Scratchy Lines by cartoonist Simon Kneebone and Reasons to be Cheerful.
The Big Story – The New Cuba i r d
B a
Va n e s s a
12 A new Cuba in the making
The communist island is opening up for business. Vanessa Baird begins an investigation into what’s going on – and what it means. 14 Winners and losers The streets are alive with micro-enterprise. Who benefits? 17 Making space Inching towards a free media and political choice – or not. 19 The ‘shame’ of pale and male Sexism and racism get official recognition. 21 ‘Sex is too important to me’ How life has changed for LGBT people. 22 Cuba’s big bet It sounds perverse, but in the shadow of the US embargo
Cuba is building a gigantic port and free trade zone… 25 ‘Our main crop is hope’
Meet Cuba’s highly successful organic farmers. Why are they getting short shrift, when the country needs more homegrown food? 28 Future conditional Expect the unexpected. Concluding thoughts – and a look ahead.
Feature 40 Madness on the Mekong A series of proposed dams in Southeast
Asia could trigger a food crisis, reports Tom Fawthrop.
Coming next month: Big Oil RIP
Front cover: Patrick Escudero/Hermis/Alamy Magazine designed by Andrew Kokotka and Juha Sorsa. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.
Mixed media 36 Film reviews Pride, directed by Matthew Warchus; Still the Enemy
Within, directed by Owen Gower. 37 Music reviews Film of Life by Tony Allen; Voice + Vision by Various Artists. 38 Book reviews The Jihadis Return by Patrick Cockburn; The
Establishment by Owen Jones; The Last Wave by Pankaj Sekhsaria; Lila by Marilynne Robinson.
Opinion 32 Argument: Is boycotting Israel the right way to fight for Palestinian rights? Two prominent professors and authors, Ilan Pappé and
Norman Finkelstein, go head to head. PLUS: Open Window with guest cartoonist Morhaf Youssef. 35 Mark Engler How to militarize your local police. 43 Steve Parry Swimming with Tories. PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon.
Regulars 6 Letters 7 Letter from Bangui 30 Country Profile: Mexico 44 Worldbeater Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi 45 Puzzle Page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally Kenyan author Okwiri Oduor talks to Chris Brazier about winning this year’s Caine Prize for African Writing.
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