Contents October 2014

This month 04 If I ruled the world howard jacobson 06 R ecommends 10 L etters

Opinions 12 Interview: Rory Stewart jay elwes 13 T ime for radical change martin wolf plus stephen collins’s cartoon strip. 16 The pr oblem of foreign aid tom dichter 17 B etter a thinker or a doer?

ac grayling 18 R aise interest rates now marian bell 20 W hat if...Robert Burns had gone to

Jamaica? robert crawford

The Prospect Duel 22 Is it time to abolish faith schools?

andrew copson vs ruth gledhill

Special report: energy policy 61 How do we get out of this mess?

dieter helm 62 Sh ale won’t solve our problems caroline flint 64 R enewing the future mark dooley

Features 24 New world disorder

Henry Kissinger: interview. bronwen maddox 34 W ho has the best brand in politics?

Stop negative campaigning. peter kellner 38 25 y ears of liberal delusion

History is not on the west’s side. john gray 46 W ho killed satire?

We’ve stopped teasing the powerful. rory bremner 52 Let’s talk about Norway

The biggest pile of money in the world. andy davis 56 W orse than Ebola

Five diseases we should fear. hugh pennington


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Arts & books 66 Inside a black hole

Anselm Kiefer dives into Germany’s past. sebastian smee 69 Sh arp suits and dropped aitches

Alan Johnson, working-class hero. dj taylor 72 R elentless creation of the new

America the beguiling. josef joffe 73 A pa ssion for mutation

David Cronenberg’s strange obsessions. moira weigel 76 B ooks in brief

Fiction 78 Lusus Naturae margaret atwood

Life 82 Leith on life sam leith 82 Lif e of the mind anna blundy 83 Mat ters of taste wendell steavenson 84 W ine barry smith 8 4 DIY in vestor andy davis

Prospect events 85 Join us at talks and debates

Endgames 87 Enigmas & puzzles barry r clarke 87 The g eneralist didymus 88 The w ay we were

Running for election. ian irvine