Agenda Stories making the news this month 8 Children swept up in Egyptian repression 8 Solomon Islands’ environmental tussle 9 Lost identities 9 Censorship resurgent in Serbia 9 Introducing Joko Widodo 10 Swedish far-right power bid 10 Migrant-baby court battle in Australia 11Burmese monks’ assault on interfaith love 11 The big Greek beach sell-out PLUS: Scratchy Lines by cartoonist Simon Kneebone and Reasons to be Cheerful.

The Big Story – Gold i s i n a / C o r b

I m a g e c h

12 Stop the gold rush The value we place on this yellow metal is absurd – and dangerous, argues Richard Swift. 16 Gold – the facts 17 Churning up the cloud forest Roxana Olivera on a Peruvian community’s struggles to defend its rights against a mining corporation’s dirty tricks. 18 The myth of ethical gold Certification schemes notwithstanding, clean gold is a bit of a scam, says Stephanie Boyd. 20 A tale of two Indias How sinking cash into gold is rocking the country’s economy and deepening the wealth divide, by Jaideep Hardikar. 22 A 10-step plan to end gold addiction 24 View from the ridge Jewellery designer Jane Theobald’s meditation on the true price of the shiny stuff. 26 Bunker economics Philip Pilkington on the delusion of worshipping the gold standard.

Front cover: Andy Kokotka Magazine designed by Andrew Kokotka and Juha Sorsa. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.


Features 38 How Mother Teresa is torturing Kolkata S Bedford reports from India on a dirty truth behind a squeaky-clean image. 44 An indivisible and living whole, from the mountains to the sea In New Zealand, one river now has the legal rights of a person. By Jen Wilton.

Mixed media 34 Film reviews Mystery Road, directed by Ivan Sen; Two Days, One Night,

directed by Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne. 35 Music reviews Bloody Rain by Sarah-Jane Morris; The Island of Dr

Electrico by The Bombay Royale. 36 Book reviews S Street Rising by Ruben Castaneda; Nowhere People by Paulo Scott; How to be Alone by Sara Maitland; Adventures in the Anthropocene by Gaia Vince. PLUS: Also out there…

Opinion 30 Argument: Would Scottish independence be good for radical politics? Writer and activist Adam Ramsay and professor and author

Jim Gallagher go head to head. PLUS: Open Window with guest cartoonist Pavel Constantin from Romania. 33 Mark Engler Why is college so damned expensive? 40 Chris Coltrane Buy a share in the fun. PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon.

Regulars 6 Letters 7 Letter from Bangui Ruby Diamonde finds herself in a town with deep scars and an uncertain future. 28 Country Profile: Mauritania 41 Making Waves: Desmond D’Sa Veronique Mistiaen meets the South African environmental justice crusader. 42 Southern Exposure Special Co-founder Shahidul Alam looks back at 25 years of the groundbreaking Drik photo agency, and rediscovers some iconic images. 45 Puzzle Page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally Comedian and activist Josie Long tells Jo Lateu about her passion for social justice and extols the joy of cold-sea swimming.

Correction Due to an editing error in Glitter Moreño’s I’m a New Internationalist contribution in issue 473, we printed that the Awagoh Learning and Development Center had been founded by a British expatriate. This is incorrect. The person referred to had donated copies of NI to ALDC.

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