Agenda Stories making the news this month 8 Impunity darkens Indian elections 8 Afghanistan: time to move on? 9 Sleep in for St George 9 Introducing Hery
Rajaonarimampianina 9 Namibia’s nutrition double whammy 10 Jordan Valley Palestinians face eviction 10 A freer press in Burma 11 Krey vs Rio Tinto 11 Solar’s unlikely ally PLUS: Scratchy Lines by cartoonist Simon Kneebone and
Reasons to be Cheerful.
P h o t o
Features 38 Yasuní: a cautionary tale
Ecuador’s national park has become a cause célèbre. But can it still be saved? Tim Gee investigates. 41 Love unites us Nadja Wohlleben’s photos capture ebanon’s silent constitutional revolution. 42 A question of belief Ahmadi Muslims are being persecuted in Pakistan – but seeking refuge abroad doesn’t always bring safety. Samira Shackle reports.
l a m y
I m a g e s /A
l o o m
Bt e v e
The Big Story – Whistleblowing
M o v e m e n t i n g s / C a r t o o n
J e n n
B e n
12 Don’t shoot the messenger! Admired by the public, reviled by those in power,
whistleblowers are on the frontline of democracy. But need they be martyrs? Vanessa Baird asks. 17 Blasts from the past… A historic look at some who took the plunge to make a difference. 18 ‘I had to do it’ Psychoanalyst David Morgan on what makes some people risk all to speak out. 20 Brave Father Musala The cleric who exposed sex abuse in Uganda’s Catholic Church talks to Patience Akumu. 22 Money shouts Whistleblower Ian Taplin investigates whether exposing banking malpractice has got any easier. 24 Dead bastards Heaven help military personnel who blow the whistle. Alexa
O’Brien is tracking the case of Chelsea Manning. 26 Cheap drugs and the millionaire whistleblower Sandhya Srinivasan writes from India on the curious tale of
Dinesh Thakur and the generics maker Ranbaxy.
Front cover: Pawel Kopczynski/ Reuters. Magazine designed by Andrew Kokotka and Juha Sorsa. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.
Mixed media 34 Music reviews Marinah by El Baile de las Horas;
The Phoenix and the Turtle by Beverley Martyn. 35 Film reviews The Past, directed by Asghar
Farhadi; Plot for Peace, directed by Carlos Aguilo and Mandy Jacobson. 36 Book reviews The Man Who Loved Dogs by
eonardo Padura; Charlie Chaplin by Peter Ackroyd; Feminist Activism, Women’s Rights and Legal Reform by Mulki Al-Sharmani; The People by Selina Todd. PLUS: Also out there…
Opinion 30 Argument: Should there be a basic income? Basic Income UK co-ordinator Barb Jacobson and author and sociologist Francine Mestrum go head to head. PLUS: Open Window with guest cartoonist Ali Divandari. 33 Mark Engler Art is politics: revisiting Paul Simon’s Graceland . 44 Steve Parry Warning: columnists can damage your health. PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon.
Regulars 6 Letters Migrants, morality and Australian shame. 7 Letter from Bangui Where do you go when your home no longer exists? Ruby
Diamonde hears one woman’s story. 28 Country Profile: Colombia 45 Puzzle Page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally Louise Gray talks to award-winning musician Angélique
Kidjo about the resilience of African music, and why she won’t be pigeon-holed.
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