
Agenda Stories making the news this month 8 TTIP-ing point 8 Fridge fatigue in Ghana 8 15 years ago... in New Internationalist 9 Reintroducing Sheikh Hasina 9 Pastries against poverty 9 Lock up your genitals 10 Nuns, ministers, priests and babies 10 South Sudan war-torn again 11 Sexism movie ratings 11 Oil-free art PLUS: Scratchy Lines by cartoonist Simon Kneebone and


Reasons to be Cheerful.

The Big Story – Commodities i c e n c e


U n d e r a i l P r o t e c t i o n i v

Ca n d i d

Ai t a r i a n

H u m a n


Mixed media 34 Music reviews Soutak by Aziza Brahim; Coin Coin Chapter Two:

Mississippi Moonchile by Matana Roberts.. 35 Film reviews The Rocket, directed by Kim Mordaunt; Bastards, directed by

Claire Denis; Stranger By The Lake, directed by Alain Guiraudie. 36 Book reviews Baghdad Central by Elliott Colla; Dust by Yvonne Adhiambo

Owuor; Invisible Women of Prehistory by Judy Foster with Marlene Derlet; The Poverty of Capitalism by John Hilary. PLUS: Also out there…

Opinion 30 Argument: Can porn be ethical? Porn performer and lecturer Kitty Stryker and feminist writer and activist Louise Pennington go head to head. PLUS: Open Window with cartoonist Elchicotriste from Spain. 33 Mark Engler The winter of the climate denier. 41 Chris Coltrane Money-making and morality are seldom bedfellows. PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon.

l a m y



12 The pitfalls of resource wealth

Natural resource wealth isn’t always a blessing. As Wayne Ellwood discovers, sometimes it can be just the opposite. 16 Sticky business

Canada has put all its eggs into one big basket full of tar sands. That’s a major mistake, argues Andrew Nikiforuk – for the country and the planet. 19 A tsingular beauty Kara Moses reports on plans to dig bitumen in Madagascar. 20 Commodities and dependency – THE FACTS 22 No joy in soy

Demand for genetically modified soy is changing the face of Argentina. And not for the better, says Eilís O’Neill. 24 Touch the earth

The global conflict between indigenous rights and mining companies. By Jen Wilton. 26 King coal runs amok

Alex Scrivener guides us through the coal-ravaged landscape of East Kalimantan.

Isabella Moore

FFeature 38 Russia’s war on its gay citizens Isabella Moore photographs those bearing the brunt of the latest crackdown on LGBTI rights. 40 Let’s talk about sex Shereen El Feki uncovers a surprising truth about life in the Middle East. 42 Meet the protest profiteers There’s money to be made in crowd

‘control’, as Anna Feigenbaum discovers.


Regulars 6 Letters 7 Letter from Bangui Local interpretation of the war is more nuanced than that of

Western journalists, says Ruby Diamonde. 28 Country Profile: Iran 45 Puzzle Page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally Investigative journalism is a dangerous, but essential, job in El

Salvador, Óscar Martínez tells Graeme Green.

I’m a New Internationalist

Issy Wilson ‘I have become a lifelong fan’ As a newcomer to New Internationalist, I have quickly become a fan for life. I love the content; I can’t find other publications like it. Every edition is pumped full of interesting and important material!

Being a medical student with an interest in reproductive medicine, the issue on Sex Selection (NI 466) was a difficult but important read.

I am pleased that refugee and migration issues are popular subjects in the magazine: I have started taking some articles on this subject to the refugee centre where I volunteer; they usually promote a good discussion.

I took out a subscription six months ago and each issue is sent to my parents’ house so that they can read it first. I then delve into two issues at once on the train back from Edinburgh to Cardiff. It is read four more times by my housemates; by then the cover is usually hanging off.

I love to travel and the archive of Country Profiles that I’ve found on the website give me an insight into the countries I visit in a way a Lonely Planet cannot. The magazine has made me reconsider the way I travel and teaches me about the impact of my actions. Thanks, New Internationalist! ■

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Front cover: ©imagebroker / Alamy Magazine designed by Ian Nixon and Alan Hughes. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.

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