
Agenda Stories making the news this month 8 Migrant worker abuse in

Saudi Arabia exposed 8 Kenya: Somalis out! 9 Songlines app in Australia 9 Introducing Juan Orlando Hernández 9 Professor Dumpster 10 20 years of Mexico’s Zapatistas 10 Kept in slavery in Mauritania 11 72 hours to death in Indonesia 11 Norway’s TV slowdown PLUS: Scratchy Lines by cartoonist

Simon Kneebone and Reasons to be Cheerful.

The Big Story – Detention


P h o t o


i /R e u t e r s i t L u p

Z a m m

D a r r i n


12 Foreigners behind bars

Detaining migrants is costly, pointless and inhumane – and on the rise. Time to turn the tide back, argues Hazel Healy. 17 Detaining migrants – THE FACTS 18 Making a killing

Outsourcing detention to private companies is a recipe for a disaster says Antony Loewenstein. 20 Inhospitable Israel Tel Aviv is taking it to the next level with plans to hold


African asylum-seekers in desert camps indefinitely, reports Joseph Cox. 22 Tough Guide to the World’s Detention Centres Tim Baster & Isabelle Merminod offer a satirical round-up of the insalubrious accommodation awaiting travellers from the Global South. 24 Thinking outside the fence Campaigners debate the merits of NGO-led alternatives to custodial detention. 27 Take it further Campaigns, action and resources


The Unreported Year in pictures 28 Stories from around the world that didn’t make the mainstream media in 2013

Front cover: Stoyan Nenov / Reuters. Magazine designed by Alan Hughes, Andrew Kokotka and Juha Sorsa. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.

Mixed media 39 The best of 2013 – films, books and music that won us over this year. 40 Film reviews: Inside Llewyn Davis, directed by Joel and

Ethan Coen; Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, directed by Justin Chadwick. 41 Music reviews: The Huambo Música Sessions by Tsikaya and Victor Gama; Gentle Men by Roy Bailey et al; The Enchanted Mesa by Stefan Zeniuk and Gato Loco. 42 Book reviews: Ripper by Isabel Allende; Archduke Franz

Ferdinand Lives! by Richard Ned Lebow; How to Win the Class War by Susan George; and Lethal Allies by Anne Cadwallader. PLUS: Also out there…

Opinion 36 Argument: Is flying still beyond the pale? Climate researcher Kevin Anderson and business adviser

Brendan May go head to head. 38 Mark Engler The great Monsanto food prize fiasco. 44 Steve Parry Please, sir, I want some more schools! PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon.

Regulars 6 Letters Distortions of history; focus on fracking;

and John Pilger: simply the best. 7 Letter from Bangui There is more to life in the Central African Republic than bad


news, says Ruby Diamonde. 34 Country Profile: Turkmenistan 45 Puzzle Page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally Anthropologist, author and activist David Graeber talks to

Jo Lateu about Occupy Wall Street, living like an anarchist – and the mystery of British masochism.

i c e n c e


U n d e ra

C a t h y la n d

P a u

New Internationalist jobs

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