Master of Science in Practical Skills Therapeutic Education (Integrated Professional Development)

A programme for professionals exploring an integrative and holistic educational method developed within Ruskin Mill Trust Delivered by Crossfields Institute at the Field Centre in Horsley with practice placements provided by Ruskin Mill Trust Accredited by the University of the West of England

Following the successful launch of this programme in August 2012, we are pleased to be taking applications for the next intake, August 2014. This MSc is aimed at teachers, practitioners, researchers, leaders and managers from around the world. The unique delivery structure is based on 30% instructive learning and 70% practice-based learning; offering 180 Credits at M level. Programme Directors are Dr Kenneth Gibson and Dr Lita Crociani-Windland.

For more information and an application form please go to our website or call us on 01453 808118 or email

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01/11/2013 11:16

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