
Agenda Stories making the news this month 8 E yes peeled on Ve danta 8 E nding the book hunger 9 H air thieves on the prowl 9 I ntroducing Tony Abbott 9 C yber-dissidents jailed 10 T ierra y libertad 10 T ax haven stand-off 11 C hallenge to Walmart 11 C limate set-to PLUS: Scratchy Lines by cartoonist Simon Kneebone and

Tiksa Negeri / Reuters 8

Reasons to be Cheerful.

The Big Story – Disability


i c e n c e


U n d e ra

J o h n s o n

At e v e

12 Rolling towards progress

Jody Mcintyre takes the notion of disability to task with a personal exploration of difference and defiance. 16 O ut of the ruins of the Rana Plaza

Photographer Suvra Kanti Das meets survivors of the garment factory collapse in Dhaka. 18 W hy does abuse persist in Romania? L uke Dale-Harris reports on the ongoing battle to improve the rights of disabled people locked away in secretive Romanian institutions. 20 D isability – THE FACTS 22 F rom hero to zero M aysoon Zayid explores the challenges facing those disabled by war, occupation and prejudice. 24 N obody is ‘normal’

Jody Mcintyre speaks to comedienne Francesca Martinez about growing up ‘wobbly’ and resisting austerity in Britain. 26 I n our own words

Citizen journalists Sheku Feika and Anoop Kumar tell the remarkable tales of three disabled young people from Sierra Leone and India.

Features 30 A prisoner in the house F or hundreds of South Asian women each year, an arranged marriage in Britain leads not to love but to slavery. Samira Shackle reports. PLUS: Open Window with guest cartoonist Manos

Symeonakis from Greece. 38 I s this the end of the road for universal human rights? S tephen Hopgood thinks so. He explains why. 40 ‘ Everybody preferred children’ C ombating child prostitution in Brazil is more urgent than ever

– especially with the expected influx of foreign tourists for the 2014 World Cup, writes Olivia Crellin. 42 D esperate measures W hy Bangladeshis are selling the only asset they have – their organs. By Sophie Cousins.

Mixed media 34 Music reviews V ari-Colored Songs: A Tribute to Langston Hughes, by

Leyla McCalla; Mortissa by Çiğdem Aslan. 35 F ilm reviews T he Selfish Gi ant, directed by Clio Barnard; Gl oria, directed by Sebastián Lelio. 36 Boo k reviews Helium by Jaspreet Singh; Snake Dance by Patrick Marnham;

The Orchard of Lost Souls by Nadifa Mohamed; and The Frackers by Gregory Zuckerman. PLUS: Also out there…

Opinion 33 Mark Engler E ven if you have nothing to hide. 44 S teve Parry Ma ndela, my hero! PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon.

Regulars 6 Letters W estern responsibility for sex-selective abortion; making war on any pretext. PLUS: I’m a New Internationalist. 7 Le tter from Botswana I t’s time for the nation to shake off its lethargy, says Wame

Molefhe. 28 C ountry Profile: Bolivia 45 P uzzle Page PLUS: Marc Roberts’

Only Planet cartoon. 46 A nd Finally I nvestigative journalist and filmmaker John Pilger tells Hazel Healy about his new film, and explains why Australia is still on an international ‘shame list’.


Front cover: Bruno Kelly / Reuters. Magazine designed by Andrew Kokotka and Juha Sorsa. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.

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