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A N E W v i s i o n w i t h P r ovo c At i v E

r E P E r t o i r E

november throuGh may

Mourning BecoMes electra • naBucco • tosca • thaïs

Florida Grand Opera’s new season offers world-class opera and world-class singers, which are sure to delight audiences. Visit www.FGO.org for more information on each production and casting.

8390 NW 25th Street Miami, Florida 33122 800.741.1010

www.FGo.orG select your own seat

Susan T. Danis General Director & CEO Ramón Tebar Music Director

DiscounteD vacation packages available to operamagazinereaDers!

Enjoy prEmium sEating at thE pErformancE and luxury hotEl accommodations.

for morE information on vacation packagEs, plEasE visit www.FGo.org/Destinationmiami

Opera, November 2013